Issue - meetings

Medway Music Education Hub

Meeting: 06/06/2017 - Cabinet (Item 5)

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This report provided details of proposed changes to the delivery of music education in Medway. Currently, Medway Council was the lead partner for Dynamics – The Music Education Hub. Given that the Music Education Hub had now developed firm foundations, it was proposed that a community interest company (CIC) be set up to act as lead partner, independently of the Council.


The report stated that Dynamics CIC would be developed by DBA Ltd, a delivery partner for Dynamics, which currently undertook the day-to-day management of music provision, as per the Arts Council England funding agreement, on behalf of Medway Council.


The report also stated that whilst the Council would have no ownership of the CIC, it would have Member representation on the Board of Directors with a public interest veto, to ensure that board decisions would always be in the public interest.


A Diversity Impact Assessment screening had been undertaken on the proposals, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report. The key change related to governance with the CIC replacing the Council as the lead partner and as such there was deemed to be no impact on individual groups.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed, subject to formal Arts Council England approval, that the role of lead partner for Dynamics – The Medway Music Education Hub, is conferred to a newly formed community interest company, independent of Medway Council, for the provision of music education in Medway, with effect from 1 April 2018.


The Cabinet agreed that the Portfolio Holder for Educational Attainment and Improvement takes a Director role on the Board of the community interest company with a public interest veto and noted that the Chief Executive will make the necessary appointment established under his delegation from Full Council in consultation with Group Whips.




It is not a requirement for local authorities to lead local Music Education Hubs. This proposal will provide for a governance model which allows the successful current provision to continue to develop in an agile and flexible manner whilst maintaining partnership links with the Local Authority.