Issue - meetings

Medway Local Development Framework - Preferred Options

Meeting: 27/09/2005 - Cabinet (Item 7.)

Medway Local Development Framework - Preferred Options


202/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Regeneration and Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth be authorised to make amendments to the Preferred Options versions of the Core Strategy & Housing & Mixed-use Site Specific Development Plan Documents (DPDs), prior to public consultation in October 2005, having considered the comments made at Environment and Front Line Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 13 October 2005 and approve this for publication for the purpose of public consultation.
203/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Regeneration and Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth be authorised to consider the Sustainability Appraisal of Preferred Options once produced, agree any changes in the light of 202/2005 above and approve this for publication.
204/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the line