Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Plan

Meeting: 06/09/2005 - Cabinet (Item 5.)

Medium Term Financial Plan


177/2005 The Cabinet endorsed the underlying aims of the Medium Term Financial Plan as set out in paragraph 4.5 of the report.
178/2005 The Cabinet endorsed the forecast of overall funding outlined in Section 7 of the report.
179/2005 The Cabinet agreed the indicative service control totals and overall budget requirement as indicated in Tables 2 and 3 of the report (noting that these would be recast into the new service directorates as the 2006/2007 budget setting process progressed).
180/2005 The Cabinet instructed portfolio holders and directors to identify savings and efficiencies to achieve a balanced budget for 2006/2007.
181/2005 The Cabinet instructed portfolio holders and directors to identify further savings and efficiencies to contribute to the £2.5m Gershon target.