Issue - meetings

Acceptance of Tenders - Liveability Fund

Meeting: 19/07/2005 - Cabinet (Item 8.)

Acceptance of Tenders - Liveability Fund


167/2005 The Cabinet agreed to waive contract rules to allow the Director of Development and Environment to accept tenders for the Liveability Fund work above the current limits set out in the constitution in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Task Force.
168/2005 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Task Force, to issue a letter of acceptance to the favoured contractor to enable works to commence on site as soon as possible to enable works to be concluded during the most advantageous summer season. Under the conditions of contract form of tender, the letter of acceptance shall constitute a binding contract, and in accordance with standing orders, a formal contract under seal be entered into with the necessary performance bond.