Issue - meetings

Medway Council's Performance Plan (Policy Framework)

Meeting: 07/06/2005 - Cabinet (Item 3.)

Medway Council's Performance Plan (Policy Framework)


123/2005 The Cabinet accepted the comments of the Finance and Performance Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee as laid out in the addendum report with the exception of points 3.11 and 3.17, which were not accepted.
124/2005 The Cabinet recommended the draft plan as amended and the performance tables circulated in the addendum report, to Council on 16 June 2005 for approval as part of the Council's policy framework.
125/2005 The Cabinet noted that data for three performance indicators was outstanding and would not be available in time for despatch of the report to Council. Therefore, the Cabinet recommended to Council that finalising the detail of performance against the outstanding indicators be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services.
126/2005 The Cabinet approved the circulation of the summary plan to all Medway residents as a supplement in the September/October edition of Medway Matters.