9 Smokefree Advice Centre, Chatham PDF 29 KB
This report provided details to take a new lease of the Council’s Smokefree Advice Centre at 2/2A Railway Street, Chatham or other alternative premises on the best terms reasonably obtainable. The report stated that sub lease of the above shop premises at 2/2A Railway Street had expired and the Council was now holding over and remained in occupation of the premises. The sub lease had been completed using the Chief Legal Officer’s delegated authority. However, it was now necessary to finalise a new lease.
The report also provided detailed information relating to the effectiveness and future plans for the Smokefree Advice Centre, as set out in paragraphs 3-5 of the report.
Decision number: |
Decision: |
137/2016 |
The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Chief Legal Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources, to take a new lease of 2/2a Railway Street, Chatham, or other alternative premises (if necessary), which the Council can end no later than 31 March 2020 on the best terms reasonably obtainable. |
To ensure that the Council’s Stop Smoking Service continues to be fully effective and successful by maintaining this service which supports the important work of improving public health in Medway.