Issue - meetings

Disposal of Various Properties

Meeting: 20/07/2004 - Cabinet (Item 12.)

Disposal of Various Properties


The Cabinet agreed that the St Nicholas Cemetery Cottage, Maidstone Road, Rochester is declared surplus to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.

The Cabinet agreed that 615 Lower Rainham Road, Rainham is declared surplus to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.

The Cabinet agreed to ratify the previous decision to declare surplus 29 High Street, Gillingham now that there was no longer a requirement for a town centre manager's office in the property to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.

The Cabinet agreed to defer the consideration of the land at Stake Lane, Halling and land adjoining 27 The Street, Upper Halling until the next meeting on 7 September 2004.