Issue - meetings

Various Land Proposals

Meeting: 09/08/2016 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Call-In: Various Land Proposals pdf icon PDF 675 KB




This report advised the Cabinet of the outcome of a call-in considered by the

Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 7 July 2016, in relation to Cabinet decision (87/2016) to close, appropriate, declare surplus and dispose of various council owned properties, applying for planning permission and entering into any necessary agreements in relation to the re-provision of services and undertaking the procurement of development/alternative facilities where appropriate.


The report had originally been considered by Cabinet on 7 June 2016 and the Business Support and Overview Scrutiny Committee referred two matters back to Cabinet for reconsideration as set out in the report, in relation to Hook Meadow Community Centre, Library and Changing Rooms and the White Road Community Centre.



Decision number:



The Cabinet reconsidered decisions 87(iii) and (iv)/2016 and agreed to delegate authority to the Chief Legal Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and the Leader;

·         To close the Hook Meadow Community Centre, Library and Changing Rooms, Chatham, and declare them surplus, appropriate them and dispose of them on the best terms reasonably obtainable whilst entering into any necessary agreements concerning the re-provision of the community facilities at Hook Meadow, as set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report.

·         To close the White Road Community Centre, Chatham, declare it surplus, appropriate it and dispose of it on the best terms reasonably obtainable whilst entering into any necessary agreements concerning the re-provision of the community facilities on the White Road Community Centre site, as set out in paragraph 3.4 of the report.




To respond to the recommendation from Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee to reconsider its decisions in respect of Hook

Meadow Community Centre, Library and Changing Rooms and White

Road Community Centre.


To reduce revenue costs, obtain capital receipts and to bring forward land for much needed housing development.