Issue - meetings

School Admission Arrangements

Meeting: 09/03/2004 - Cabinet (Item 3.)

School Admission Arrangements


The Cabinet approved the admission arrangements and co-ordinating scheme for secondary schools as set out in Appendices 1 and 2.
The Cabinet approved the admission arrangements and co-ordinating scheme for primary community and voluntary schools as set out in Appendices 3 and 4, which included an alteration to the current admissions policy to allow the admission of all children at the start of each school year in September, only in those schools meeting agreed criteria concerning the delivery of the Foundation Stage of Learning.
The Cabinet approved the procedure for the establishment of foundation stage education places for 3 year olds as set out at paragraph 6.2 of the report subject to the following additional conditions: -a. The council should develop a strategy for targeting capital funding for nursery provision to schools in deprived areas of Medway where additional places will result in more equality of provision;
b. Schools should be encouraged to consider working in partnership with existing providers to run school based provision;c. Schools with nursery provision should have safe drop off points;d. Nursery provision should not adversely impact upon the quality of accommodation provided for statutory school age children.e. When a school is seeking to establish a nursery class a report is submitted to Cabinet for consideration.