Issue - meetings

Regeneration Scheme - 21-27 High Street and 30-32 High Street and Britton Street Car Park Gillingham

Meeting: 27/01/2004 - Cabinet (Item 11.)

Regeneration Scheme - 21-27 High Street and 30-32 High Street and Britton Street Car Park Gillingham


The Cabinet noted the current position regarding the development proposals for the sites.
The Cabinet re-affirmed its request at the Cabinet meeting on 9 July 2002 (decision numbers 163/2002 and 164/2002) that officers continue to investigate the need for additional car parking provision in the area and report back their findings to a future meeting.
The Cabinet authorised the Director of Finance and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Director of Health and Community Services, to use his delegated powers to dispose of 21-27 High Street, 30-32 High Street and Britton Street Car Park, Gillingham on the best terms reasonably obtainable.