Issue - meetings

Developing and Empowering Resources in Communities

Meeting: 05/04/2016 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Developing and Empowering Resources in Communities pdf icon PDF 51 KB




This report provided details of a proposal for the Council to act a Guarantor for the Developing and Empowering Resources in Communities (DERiC) initiative.  The DERIC projects would work to improve outcomes for vulnerable people of all ages by enhancing the quality of support through a focus on personalisation (direct payments), which should result in reduced demand on base budget funding and utilising social capital that would reduce latent demand on services.


It was noted that this was an innovative community development approach initiated by DERiC which worked in partnership with communities in Walderslade (WALT), the Hoo Peninsula (wHoo Cares), Medway Council and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Deputy Director of Children and Adults Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, to provide a guarantee to DERiC (Option 1), as set out in paragraph 3.1 of the report.


The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to finalise the terms of the guarantee with DERiC and arrange the proper execution of the required legal documents.




A guarantee from Medway Council will allow DERiC to invest in the communities of Walderslade and the Hoo Peninsula to build resilient communities.