Issue - meetings

Best Value: Traffic and Road Safety Options Report

Meeting: 06/01/2004 - Cabinet (Item 4.)

Best Value: Traffic and Road Safety Options Report


1/2004 The Cabinet agreed that Urban Traffic Management Control (UTMC) be rolled out across Medway, moderated to achieve 80% of benefits for 20% of revenue costs of full implementation. All options to meet future revenue costs, including PFI (public finance initiative) and partnerships are to be investigated before a final recommendation is put forward regarding implementation of the system. Capital costs to be raised through the Local Transport Plan and/or borrowing approvals.
2/2004 The Cabinet agreed that road works should be managed from the results of a trial being piloted through the Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee (HAUC). Partnership work is underway to reduce roadworks during traffic sensitive periods across Medway and Kent.
3/2004 The Cabinet agreed that proposals to develop a step change in public transport provision in Medway together with short-term wins and other associated transport, town centre and development initiatives be considered outside this Review, as outputs from the Transport for Medway project.
4/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the