Issue - meetings

Placing Objects on Highways

Meeting: 27/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 7)

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This report provided details of a proposal for an all-inclusive policy for dealing with shop front displays, tables and chairs and A-boards on the highway, to ensure parity amongst traders and the public, which responded to comments received from both the public and traders.


The report provided details of the legislative background to the proposals and the draft policy, together with a review of current activity in Chatham High Street. It was noted that there would be a period of public consultation on the draft policy following which the outcome of public consultation would be reported to the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet. Whilst the approval of the policy would be a matter for Cabinet, some ancillary matters would be reported to Full Council for consideration and decision.


A Diversity Impact Assessment (Appendix 3 to the report) had been carried out on the proposals and its findings suggested that the Policy would have a positive impact for all members of the public.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed that the Placing Objects on Highways Policy attached at Appendix 2 to the report be approved for public consultation.




The introduction of a Placing Objects on Highways Policy would enhance the aesthetics of the public realm, promoting quality and reinforce necessary safety measures. In addition a clear policy would give traders certainty over what was acceptable or unacceptable; this should address the complaints and enquiries received from traders and the public. Public consultation will help inform the development of the policy