Issue - meetings

Gateway 3 Contract Award: Rochester Riverside Station Multi Storey Car Park - Construction

Meeting: 12/08/2015 - Council (Item 226)

226 Addition to the Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 18 KB

This report seeks approval to an addition to the Capital Programme for the construction of the Rochester Riverside Multi Storey Car Park.




This report sought approval to an addition to the Capital Programme  for the construction of the Rochester Riverside Multi Storey Car Park.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Jarrett supported by Councillor Tolhurst proposed the recommendation set out in the report.




The Council approved the addition of £982,000 to the Capital Programme for the construction of the Rochester Riverside Multi Storey Car Park.

Meeting: 07/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Gateway 3 Contract Award: Rochester Riverside Station Multi Storey Car Park - Construction pdf icon PDF 50 KB




This report sets out the decision of the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Procurement Board, to award a contract (medium risk rating) to CS Spencer Ltd for the construction of the Rochester Riverside Multi Storey Car Park.


The report requested that Cabinet recommend to Full Council that an additional £982,000 be allocated to the capital budget for professional fees and costed risks associated with the project. The Cabinet therefore agreed to consider this as an urgent matter so to provide certainty on the funding for the project by referring the matter to Council on 12 August 2015.


It was noted that at the Rochester Riverside Board Meeting of 16 March 2015 approval was given to commence the procurement of a contractor to deliver the design and construction of a new multi storey car park adjacent to the new Rochester Rail Station on the Rochester Riverside Development site.


An exempt appendix contained key information in relation to the financial analysis of the scheme.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the contents of the report and agreed that any spend against the Risk Allowance is approved by the Assistant Director, Legal and Corporate Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services.


The Cabinet recommended to Full Council that an additional sum of £982,000 is added to the Capital Programme, funded by prudential borrowing.



This proposed project will deliver a high quality multi storey car park to coincide with the opening of the new railway station at Rochester in December 2015.