Issue - meetings

Philip William Farrow Trust

Meeting: 07/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Philip William Farrow Trust pdf icon PDF 20 KB




This report considered the Council’s position as corporate Trustee of the Philip William Farrow Trust, which was established to provide relief for residents at Nelson Court, Shaws Wood and Robert Bean Lodge. It was noted that relief constituted the promotion of health and/or relieving the ill health or infirmity of the residents of these specified homes. The funds were used to provide social activities for the residents.


The report gave details of the fund and potential alternative Trustee(s). It was reported that as the Philip William Farrow Trust did not form part of the Council’s revenue or capital budget, it could not be used to fund core service delivery. It therefore must sit outside of the Council’s budget and policy framework. The Council's trustee function was however a Cabinet function and therefore Cabinet approval to the retirement and appointment was required.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the contents of the report.


The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Deputy Director of Children & Adults Services, in consultation with the Assistant Director Legal and Corporate Services, to:

(a)        pursue formal discussions with Agincare and Kent Community Foundation and to assess their suitability either separately or jointly to become appointed Trustees for the Philip William Farrow Trust.

(b)       produce draft documentation for Medway Council to appoint new trustees for the Philip William Farrow Trust.

(c)        produce draft documentation for Medway Council to retire as the trustees for the Philip William Farrow Trust.

(d)       liaise as necessary with the Charity Commission to fully consider the obligations under the Trust document and implement decisions 100/2015 (a) to (c) above.


The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Deputy Director of Children & Adults Services, in consultation with the Assistant Director Legal and Corporate Services and the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services to proceed with appointment of a new Trustee (or Trustees as appropriate) for the Trust and to proceed with the retirement of the Council from that role.




Appropriate arrangements need to be in place to effectively operate the Trust fund.