Issue - meetings

Procurement Strategy

Meeting: 10/03/2015 - Cabinet (Item 5)

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This report updated Cabinet on the progress made against the Council’s Procurement Strategy.


The Procurement Strategy, approved in September 2013, contained 14 ‘measures of success’ across the following four key strands:


  • Supporting the local economy
  • Reducing red tape
  • Improved services, better outcomes
  • Intelligent spending.


Appendix 1 to the report presented data that tested progress against these measures and it was noted that delivery had been positive to date, with 10 out of 14 measures either already met or exceeded.


The amount of contracted spend that was awarded to small and medium sized enterprises (which was up to 45% from 42%, against a target by 2016 of 50%) and the reduction in the average timescale for procurements (down to 59 days from 140 days against a target of 50 days by 2016) were highlighted.


The strategy would be considered at a Supplier Event, arranged for 18 March 2015, which would give suppliers, the Kent and Medway Federation for Small Business and the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce the opportunity to comment. The views of the Business School of the University of Kent would also be sought.  Any major amendments to the Procurement Strategy would be reported back to Cabinet for consideration, with other revisions being dealt with through delegated authority.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the progress made against the Procurement Strategy and approved the Strategy for further consultation.


The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Legal and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Deputy Leader, to engage in further consultation on the Procurement Strategy to ensure that it was robust and relevant, with suppliers, leading academics and other representatives of the business community and to report back to Cabinet should there be any proposed major amendments.



To ensure that progress against the strategy is maintained.