Issue - meetings

School Admission Arrangements September 2016

Meeting: 10/02/2015 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 School Admission Arrangements September 2016 pdf icon PDF 8 MB




This report provided details of the proposed coordinated admission schemes and arrangements for primary and secondary schools for September 2016, following consultation.


There were no changes proposed for 2016 secondary admissions other than the revision of dates to reflect the 2016 admissions timetable. It was noted that all Medway secondary schools and academies were their own admission authorities and, therefore, responsible for the consultation and determination of their own admission arrangements (including their published admission number and oversubscription criteria).


The proposed changes to the co-ordinated scheme and admission arrangements (other than the revision of dates to reflect the 2016 primary admissions timetable and changes made to ensure that the arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code and other DfE guidance) were to remove the ‘Child’s health reasons’ criterion and replace with ‘Medical, health and special access reasons’ and that the published admission number for admission in September 2016 for Riverside Primary School be increased from 25 to 30.


The consultation period took place between November 2014 and 5 January 2015 in accordance with the requirements of the School Admissions Code and no responses were received.


The Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered this report on 14 January 2015 and its comments were set out in paragraph 7 of the report.


A Diversity Impact Assessment screening had been undertaken on the proposals, details of which were set out in Appendix 3 to the report.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the outcome of the consultation process and the comments of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Cabinet approved the proposed admissions arrangements and schemes as set out at Appendices 1 and 2 to the report.




The Council is required to undertake a detailed consultation exercise prior to the determination of its school admission arrangements and schemes. The decisions take into account the responses from consultation