Issue - meetings

Framework for Tackling Obesity

Meeting: 02/12/2014 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Framework for Tackling Obesity pdf icon PDF 33 KB




This report provided details of a proposal to develop a local framework for tackling obesity, in which the framework would take a whole systems approach to obesity, and be explicit in outlining Medway Council’s and key partner’s roles in reducing obesity levels in Medway.


The report noted that obesity was a significant and increasing public health issue and was caused by a number of behavioural, biochemical and societal factors. Being obese or overweight impacts on health and social care costs as well as economic costs through loss of productivity. It was noted that reducing obesity levels required a sustained and coordinated approach by a number of local and national agencies.


An Obesity Summit was hosted by the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services and the Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board on 3 June 2014. The event was well attended by a large number of private, public and voluntary sector partners who contributed to discussions on the day.


The report provided details of the proposed consultation process, noting that the Framework would be reported back to Cabinet in mid 2015 for final consideration and approval.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the outcomes of the childhood obesity peer challenge and obesity summit and agreed to the development of a Tackling Obesity Framework for Medway.




The development of a Tackling Obesity Framework for Medway will enable the Council, working with partners, to establish a systematic approach regarding obesity