Issue - meetings

Developer Contributions Guide

Meeting: 05/08/2014 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Planning Policy Affordable Housing pdf icon PDF 60 KB




This report provided details of the implications of the Cabinet decision on 15 July 2014 to alter the Council’s affordable housing planning policy from a requirement to provide at least 25% affordable housing on new developments to a policy of providing up to 25% affordable housing.


The report stated that the Guide to Developer Contributions was a Supplementary Planning Document which was required to be consistent with the adopted Local Plan, in this case the Medway Local Plan 2003, and that adequate consultation was required to make a change to planning policy.


The report also stated that, as a starting point, the Council would need to undertake a new Strategic Housing Market Assessment, which would provide a basis to develop a new policy on affordable housing. The report set out the necessary steps and timeline for this process.


The Cabinet accepted this item as urgent to enable it consider the issues set out in the report at the earliest opportunity and provide certainty on the issue of affordable housing.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed to continue with the at least 25% affordable housing planning policy at present until a new Strategic Housing Market Assessment has been undertaken and reported to Members.


The Cabinet noted the likely timescale to change the current policy following decision 135/2014 above.


The Cabinet agreed the Guide to Developers Contribution report as presented to Cabinet on 15 July 2014.




To ensure that any changes to the Council’s policy for affordable housing is supported by an up-to-date evidence base – and has been the subject of reasonable consultation in accordance with statutory requirements


This will enable the revised Guide to Developer Contributions to be finalised and published on the basis that it was presented to Cabinet on 15 July 2014.