Issue - meetings

Rochester Airport Masterplan

Meeting: 09/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Rochester Airport Masterplan pdf icon PDF 31 KB

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This report sought approval to undertake consultation on a draft Masterplan for development at Rochester Airport.


The report identified the options available for progressing the development of the Rochester Airport site and recommended the adoption of a Masterplan that provided guidance on the development principles for investment and growth opportunities at land in and around Rochester Airport.


It was noted that there had been an initial stage of informal consultation on the emerging Masterplan, which centred on a two-day exhibition. A Consultation Feedback Analysis Report was submitted, within a supplementary agenda, that set out what information was shown at the exhibition, how the event had been publicised, details of the responses made by local people, and how the emerging Masterplan would be changed as a result of the comments made.


A proposed consultation draft of the Rochester Airport Masterplan was included at Appendix 2 of the report and it was reported that a formal statutory stage of public consultation was now proposed. This would inform the development of the final Masterplan and be undertaken in line with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed the content of the draft masterplan at Appendix 2 within Supplementary Agenda No.1 and authorised its publication for public consultation between 22 July to 20 September 2013.


That Cabinet authorised the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Strategic Development and Economic Growth, to agree any necessary minor amendments to the draft masterplan document prior to the statutory consultation.



Cabinet approved this draft masterplan for consultation to progress work in bringing this site forward for economic development, and securing the future operations of the airport. The masterplan would provide the framework to guide development on the site to realise economic opportunities as well as addressing wider amenity issues.