Issue - meetings

Outline Business Case: Saxon Way Primary School - Expansion to Two Forms of Entry

Meeting: 06/08/2013 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Outline Business Case: Saxon Way Primary School - Expansion to Two Forms of Entry pdf icon PDF 335 KB




This report provided details of the business case, based on an initial feasibility study, for the expansion to 2 forms of entry at Saxon Way Primary School, Gillingham and sought permission to proceed to detailed design stage prior to Gateway 1 approval. The School Organisation Plan 2011-16 highlighted that in some areas of Medway, pressure on pupil places was expected, initially in Key Stage 1, including the Gillingham West area.


The report noted that Saxon Way Primary Schoolwas currently a one form of entry (1FE) primary school, it enjoyed a larger than average site, and was close to the major developments at Grange Farm and Victory Pier, as well as a number of smaller schemes. It was considered that expanding Saxon Way to a 2FE Primary school would be in accordance with Medway’s preferred primary school size, and that from a geographical and capacity aspect, Saxon Way would be a good solution.


The report provided details of the business case which set out the preferred way forward in terms of the expansion of the school.


An exempt appendix set out the finance and whole life costings information, including costings for various options.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the outline business case and the preferred design option (3a) to allow more detailed design work to be undertaken.




Option 3 is the preferred choice of the design team. To be confident of the projected rising roll the preferred option is 3a, which, whilst slightly more expensive, allows us to be certain we are not building for unfilled spaces and in addition allows us to profile the spending across the whole capital programme more effectively


This option also provides best value for money.


The cost estimates indicate that the preferred scheme, which will deliver the identified accommodation requirements, is the most cost effective solution.


Accurate cost estimates will be developed during the detailed design stage and presented for approval at Gateway 1 stage, prior to the tendering process.