Issue - meetings

Gateway 1 Procurement Commencement: Chatham Primary Academy

Meeting: 11/06/2013 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Gateway 1 Procurement Commencement and Outline Business Case: Refurbishment and Remodelling Works at Chatham Primary Free School pdf icon PDF 58 KB




This report sought approval of the Outline Business Case and proposed procurement route, based on an initial feasibility study and evaluation of procurement and construction options, for the new Chatham Primary Free School. It was noted that this project supported the Council’s School Organisation Plan 2011 – 2016, which highlighted the need for more pupil places in the Chatham area.


The Procurement Board considered this report on 22 May 2013 and supported the recommendations set out in the report.


An exempt appendix contained key information in respect of finance and whole life costing, including the Outline Business Case.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the Outline Business Case/Gateway 1 High Risk Report to progress to Gateway 2 of the procurement process and invite tenders for the building refurbishment and remodelling works.


The Cabinet approved the virement of sufficient funding of £500,000 from the basic need capital programme to undertake further surveys, develop a detailed design and deal with asbestos removal, prior to the main contract works.




The new remodelled accommodation is required to enable the new primary academy to open in September 2014. The capital programme approved by Cabinet on 23 February 2013 includes funding for the project.