Issue - meetings

Efficiencies of New Recycling Service

Meeting: 16/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Efficiencies of New Recycling Service pdf icon PDF 106 KB




This report noted that from October 2013 recycling and organics collections would be increased to a weekly basis. This service enhancement had been fully funded by Department for Communities and Local Government. Alongside this change, officers were recommending three service stances that could save significant revenue expenditure by reducing the cost of waste disposal and ensuring the collection fleet provides best value for Medway.


The report reviewed current policy positions, demonstrated the potential savings available and how they would be implemented. A summarised Communications Plan was attached at Appendix 1 to the report and a Contamination Policy was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.


The Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services introduced a set of revised recommendations for Members’ consideration.


It was noted that a Diversity Impact Assessment screening form was attached at Appendix 3 to the report, which showed that whilst a full Diversity Impact Assessment was not required a number of issues would be considered at the next review.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed that:


(a)            The collection containers will stay the same as currently used:

i).                  Brown wheeled bins for food and garden waste; supported by issuing of kitchen caddies to assist residents to separate out food waste in the kitchen. For properties which are not suitable for wheeled bins the option of 23ltr food bin and reusable brown bags.

ii).                White reusable bags/clear sacks for the collection of containers, i.e. glass bottles/jars, cans, foil, household plastics packaging and aerosols.

iii).              Blue reusable bags/blue boxes for paper and card only.

iv).             Black sacks for the remaining waste.


(b)           Residents will not be forced to recycle, i.e. it is an optional service.


(c)            An extensive communication campaign be run over the next 6 months until 28 October when weekly collections launch, and beyond.  This will include additional officers (externally funded by the DCLG project) to speak with residents to ensure the message has been embedded regarding how to recycle in Medway.  It will consist of local promotions, public events, road shows, door stepping etc, use of social and print media, including Medway Matters, and targeted education and engagement with residents who may need additional assistance or guidance into how to recycle. 


(d)           Paper and card to be collected weekly when placed out separately from commingled materials i.e. glass bottles/jars, cans, foil, household plastics packaging and aerosols.


(e)            Garden waste will be collected weekly, when presented in the following:


i).                  1 x Brown wheeled bin + 2 x sacks or

ii).                4 x sacks or

iii).              1 x 23ltr food bin + 4x sacks


(f)              If residents get it wrong, they will be contacted by council officers to explain the service. Whilst this dialogue is ongoing, waste will not be left on the street.



For the majority of residents, weekly collections of recycling and organic waste will provide an increased level of convenience whilst overcoming a number of barriers to participation, e.g., storage of materials, fear of smell/flies from food waste, etc.


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