Issue - meetings

Gateway 5 Procurement Contract Management Report: Household Waste Recycling Centres Annual Report

Meeting: 15/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Gateway 5 Procurement Contract Management Report: Household Waste Recycling Centres Annual Report pdf icon PDF 103 KB




This report provided details of a review of progress of the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) contract currently delivered by FCC Environment (formerly Waste Recycling Group – WRG) covering the management of the Council’s three sites located at Ambley Road, off Hoath Way, Gillingham; Shawstead Road, Capstone, Chatham and Sundridge Hill, Cuxton.


The contract delivered: the management of three HWRCs; the haulage of all materials arising at the sites with the exception of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and household batteries, which are covered by producer compliance schemes (PCS); the marketing and sale of materials arising at the sites with the exception of residual waste, wood waste and those detailed above; the provision and maintenance of containers necessary to provide the service to supplement those provided by the Council and; the provision of all plant and equipment necessary to provide the service including remote access to the CCTV system, an electronic data management system and an automatic number plate reader (ANPR) system at each site.


This report was considered at the Procurement Board on 19 December 2012 and its comments were set out in paragraph 7 of the report.


An exempt appendix contained key information in respect of finance and whole-life costings.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the progress made to date with the collection and disposal contracts.


The Cabinet agreed the preferred Option 3.3 ‘Continue With Current Contract and subject the contract to further Gateway 5 Reporting Requirements’ as negotiations with the contractor regarding 2-year extension and efficiencies were completed.




This is on the basis that this contract is providing value for money, and that FCC Environment has achieved their year two target of a 60% recycling rate at two of the three sites, narrowly missing it by less then 0.7% at the third site, while delivering high quality services for the residents of Medway with high satisfaction levels recorded.