Decision details

Day Care Services for Adults with a Disability

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the findings and recommendations of the Disability Day Services Task Group. This will follow consideration by the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 8 April 2008.


100/2008 The Cabinet agreed the following Longer Term ambitions (commencing April 2010): a) Current budgetary arrangements should be changed to enable Personalised Budgets (based on person-centred planning) to be offered to individuals to move from traditional day services to community opportunities, offering more choice to people with a disability from April 2010. b) A minimum of two

Reasons for the decision:

These decisions bring forward improvements to the day services currently provided by Medway Council to adults with a disability, in line with Government White Papers and other publications.

Publication date: 22/04/2008

Date of decision: 22/04/2008

Decided at meeting: 22/04/2008 - Cabinet

Effective from: 01/05/2008

Accompanying Documents: