Decision details

Leisure Centre Management Options

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To report back to Cabinet on the outcome of detailed work on proposals for future sports facility management.


290/2005 The Cabinet agreed to keep leisure facilities in-house in the foreseeable future and to reinvest surpluses to improve service provision and customer satisfaction.
291/2005 The Cabinet agreed to consider the structural reports produced by the design team at a future date and consider implications of long term capital investment.
292/2005 The Cabinet agreed to consider the Black Lion Leisure Centre as a separate case in view of the strategic partnership with the universities and opportunities afforded by the 2012 Olympics.
293/2005 The Cabinet agreed to investigate in greater detail the options put forward by the consultants concerning alternative vehicles to manage Medway's Leisure Centres in the future (both including and excluding the Black Lion from the package), specifically considering revenue and future VAT implications, democratic control and long-term capital investment.
294/2005 The Cabinet agreed to refer to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee that a working group be established to carry out detailed work looking at future management options (both including and excluding the Black Lion from the package). These should specifically consider revenue, future VAT implications, democratic control and long-term capital investment issues. This may involve visiting other trusts and hybrids. Once Overview and Scrutiny has formulated its views, report to Cabinet with recommendations on the best way forward.
295/2005 The Cabinet agreed that a general review be carried out of the Strand leisure area to identify appropriate opportunities for improving and enhancing the range of facilities available.

Reasons for the decision:

The Cabinet is required to ensure the continuity of day to day running of leisure centres and also to ensure that in the long term all options are fully explored to secure best value.

Publication date: 13/12/2005

Date of decision: 13/12/2005

Decided at meeting: 13/12/2005 - Cabinet

Effective from: 22/12/2005

Accompanying Documents: