Decision details

Housing Stock Options Appraisal

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report will present the recommendation of the stakeholder forum upon the ownership and management of the housing stock.


134/2005 The Cabinet agreed to endorse the recommendation from the Stakeholder Forum for stock retention and this be the Council's preferred option for submission to the Government Office for the South East.
135/2005 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to investigate the option of inviting tenders for a joint housing management and maintenance contract and report back to Cabinet with a draft timetable.
136/2005 The Cabinet agreed to take no further action to refurbish Queens Court, Fitzhorold House or Shalder House to Decent Homes Standards, and that consultation take place on the future of these three units, in particular that alternative options are investigated for future use.
137/2005 The Cabinet noted the establishment of a task group to evaluate the rest of the Council's sheltered housing stock and that other providers of sheltered housing in Medway and other stakeholders including the tenant group 'MeRGe' be invited to participate in this work.
138/2005 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to retain the Stakeholder Forum as the main consultative body should the Council decide to outsource the management of the housing stock.
139/2005 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to ensure that the Stakeholder Forum is given the opportunity to comment on the formal submission documents prior to despatch to the Government Office for the South East.

Reasons for the decision:

The Council is required to submit a housing stock options appraisal to the Government Office for the South East by 31 July 2005. These decisions will enable the option appraisal exercise to be concluded and the necessary actions arising from the appraisal to be implemented.

Publication date: 28/06/2005

Date of decision: 28/06/2005

Decided at meeting: 28/06/2005 - Cabinet

Effective from: 07/07/2005

Accompanying Documents: