Decision details

School Places for three year olds

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To present proposals to enable the establishment of a nursery class / Foundation Stage unit for 3 year-olds at St Mary's Community Primary School, Strood and Napier Primary School, Gillingham.


The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be authorised to publish a public notice stating the intention to vary the age range of Napier Community Primary School to allow the admission of children aged 3 years with effect from September 2005.
The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Education and Leisure be authorised to initiate public consultation on the variation of the age range of St Mary's Community Primary School to allow the admission of children aged 3 years.

Reasons for the decision:

The Council's policy is to support the establishment of additional Foundation Stage education places at schools, where it can be shown that the quality of provision will be good, and where doing so is consistent with the Council's statutory duties.The establishment of a Foundation Stage unit at Napier Community Primary school would be consistent with the Council's duty to secure an education place for all three and four year olds whose parents want one. The initiation of the public consultation process will allow views on the merits of the proposal for St Mary's Community Primary School to be sought and considered in detail.

Publication date: 28/09/2004

Date of decision: 28/09/2004

Decided at meeting: 28/09/2004 - Cabinet

Effective from: 07/10/2004

Accompanying Documents: