Decision details

Disposal of Land in Halling

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report will request Cabinet to declare the following assets in the Halling area surplus to requirements: land at Stake Lane and land adjoining 27 The Street, Upper Halling.


348/2004 The Cabinet agreed that the land at Stake Lane, Halling be declared surplus and authorised the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration.
349/2004 The Cabinet agreed to defer consideration of the land adjoining 27 The Street, Upper Halling pending further discussions with Halling Parish Council.

Reasons for the decision:

The disposal of Stake Lane, Halling, will contribute towards the Council's capital receipt target of £4M per annum and reduce revenue costs.Given representations received, deferring a decision on the land adjoining 27 The Street, will allow further discussions with the parish council.

Publication date: 07/09/2004

Date of decision: 07/09/2004

Decided at meeting: 07/09/2004 - Cabinet

Effective from: 16/09/2004

Accompanying Documents: