Decision details

Quarter 2 Council Plan Monitoring

Decision Maker: Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




The Chief Finance Officer advised that the report covered the period from July to September 2010 and updated on the delivery of the Council Plan. He explained that there were 53 key performance indicators (KPI) and out of these 62% were on target, 15% were at risk of not making the target and 23% were off-track. The Chief Finance Officer also highlighted the table on page 65 of the agenda and informed Members that further work was required on the KPI for ‘Children and Young People having the best start in life’ and ‘Older and Vulnerable People maintaining independence’.  Within the Business Support directorate, the area requiring particular attention was the average time taken to re-let council housing.


Members asked the Chief Finance Officer to congratulate the benefits team  for the improvement in performance.   Members also asked that a letter of congratulations was sent on behalf of the committee to Aut Even, the residential respite centre for children with disabilities, as its Ofsted judgement had recently improved from “Adequate” to “Good”.


The committee also commented on National Indicator 67 (page 70 of the agenda) and the commentary that stated “the stretched capacity within all agencies working within the safeguarding system is showing in reductions in agency attendance at conferences and less availability of documentation prior to conferences which can make risk assessment more difficult.” Members asked that this was flagged to the Children’s Trust to request agencies to address this, as the children involved could be at greater risk if their case conference was unattended by an agency involved in the case.


The committee was concerned at the 60% increase in demand for services relating to domestic violence between Quarter 1 and 2. Members believed that the public now had an idea that if they claimed they suffered from domestic abuse they could be re-housed as a priority over other people on the housing register. Members asked officers to re-consider the decision-making process to re-house someone and to ensure that they were fully aware of the current situation from the Police and to ensure that it was not out of date or invalid information.




The Committee noted the:

(a)       performance for Quarter 2 Council Plan Monitoring 2010/2011;

(b)            proposed process for developing the Council Plan 2011-14, as set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report.

Publication date: 11/02/2011

Date of decision: 15/12/2010

Decided at meeting: 15/12/2010 - Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Accompanying Documents: