Decision details

Best Street/High Street Masterplan Chatham (Policy development)

Decision Maker: Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider the outcome of consultation on the proposals for the Best Street/High Street Masterplan following consideration by the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 18 August 2010.  




The Local and Regional Planning Manager introduced the report to the Committee and explained that significant efforts had been made to consult widely.  No major changes were suggested.  Certain minor changes were however proposed, as set out in the schedule of consultation responses included with the report.


Members then raised a number of issues, which included: -

·        Concern regarding the impact on traffic systems;

·        The fantastic response achieved by students from Rainham Mark school;

·        Concern over empty and derelict buildings close to the masterplan area and the impact they have on people’s perception of the area;

·        A view that the Nucleus Art Centre should be recognised in the masterplan;

·        Concern that the attitude and opinions of the public, as detailed in the report, will continue despite regeneration.


Officers confirmed that as the masterplan suggested provision of two car and two bus entry points to the centre it was not considered that amendments to the road network would be necessary.  In relation to the Nucleus Art Centre officers would consider giving it a higher profile in the masterplan.  In relation to people’s perceptions, it was explained that there were a lot of city centre regeneration schemes, which had achieved radical changes in perception and attitude.




The Committee recommended that the comments from Members are forwarded to Cabinet and recommend the Cabinet to adopt the Best Street/High Street masterplan.

Report author: Brian McCutcheon

Publication date: 25/08/2010

Date of decision: 18/08/2010

Decided at meeting: 18/08/2010 - Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Accompanying Documents: