Decision details

The Future of the Strood Environmental Enhancement Scheme

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider a report on the future of the Strood Enhancement Scheme.  


This report set out details of the Strood Environmental Enhancement Scheme and explained that the scheme, which had not been progressed in the absence of a funding stream, now acted as a constraint against growth and development. It was therefore recommended that the Strood Environmental Enhancement Scheme be abandoned, to allow transport options to be developed as an outcome of the evolution of masterplanning for Strood rather than a driver for it.


The report gave details of various property assets, illustrated on a plan attached to the report, that with the abandonment of the scheme would no longer be required. It was proposed that most of the land held for the scheme was declared surplus and disposed of, with the remainder being held for a possible small scale road improvement and a new library.


It was noted that the Strood Regeneration Cabinet Advisory Group and the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered this report and their comments were set out in the report.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed that the Strood Environmental Enhancement Scheme be abandoned.


The Cabinet agreed that the land at Station Road Strood, as edged black and numbered 1 on the plan attached to the report, be declared surplus and the Assistant Director Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder be delegated authority to dispose of it at best consideration.


The Cabinet agreed that the site of 16/20 North Street Strood Street, as edged black and numbered 2 on the plan attached to the report, be declared surplus and the Assistant Director Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder be delegated authority to dispose of it at best consideration.


The Cabinet agreed that the site of 31-35 North Street and the site of 4-18 at Edward Street Strood, as edged black and numbered 3 on the plan attached to the report, be declared surplus and the Assistant Director Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder be delegated authority to dispose of it at best consideration.


The Cabinet agreed that 37-39 North Street and land rear of 39 North Street, as edged black and numbered 4 on the plan attached to the report, be declared surplus and the Assistant Director Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder be delegated authority to dispose of it at best consideration.


The Cabinet agreed that the land in Commercial Road Strood, as edged black and numbered 5 on the plan attached to the report, be declared surplus and the Assistant Director Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder be delegated authority to dispose of it at best consideration.


The Cabinet agreed that the Commercial Road car park, as edged black and numbered 6 on the plan attached to this report, be declared surplus and the Assistant Director Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder be delegated authority to dispose of it at best consideration.


To reduce revenue costs, realise capital receipts and gain much needed housing and regeneration for the Medway area.

Report author: Ian Wilson

Publication date: 27/07/2010

Date of decision: 20/07/2010

Decided at meeting: 20/07/2010 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: