Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Decision made
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
This report will seek approval to progress the Local Transport Plan (LTP).
This report provided details of the provisional Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) for consultation purposes. The Cabinet had previously considered a report on the emerging issues surrounding the Plan in November 2009 and this report set out the key details of the Plan and the timetable for its development and approval.
The report stated that a key element in the preparation of the Plan was the importance of demonstrating links with local, sub-regional, regional and national policy including the Council Plan, the Sustainable Community Strategy and the work being undertaken through the Multi-Area-Agreement.
The report also stated that a Diversity Impact Assessment was being developed as part of the development of the Plan.
Decision number: |
Decision: |
61/2010 |
The Cabinet approved the provisional Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) Transport Strategy for consultation purposes. |
62/2010 |
The Cabinet agreed to grant delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services to undertake minor amendments to the provisional LTP3 Transport Strategy. |
63/2010 |
The Cabinet agreed to receive a report on the outcome of the consultation on the provisional LTP3 Transport Strategy and Implementation Plan in December 2010. |
The decisions support the production of a Local Transport Plan as a statutory function, which applies, to local transport authorities in England outside London under the Transport Act 2000, as amended by the Local Transport Act 2008.
Report author: Mark Johnson
Publication date: 21/04/2010
Date of decision: 20/04/2010
Decided at meeting: 20/04/2010 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: