Decision details

Medway's Strategic Plan for Older People and Joint Commissioning Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


This report will seek Cabinet approval to the Older People Plan and Joint Commissioning Strategy.

Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Health and Adult Social Care


1/2010 The Cabinet agreed to delegate to the Director of Children and Adult Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, authority to finalise the Positive Ageing in Medway - Older People's Strategic Plan and Joint Commissioning Strategy for Health and Social Care 2010-13, reflecting the comments from the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee (subject to the final sentence within paragraph 3.2.3 of the addendum report being revised to read

Reasons for the decision:

A Strategy for Older People is necessary to ensure that all older people in Medway have the same access to services that will enable them to enjoy healthy ageing. This joint strategy produced by the Council and NHS Medway sets the direction for working together with and for older people. Building on the vision outlined in the Strategic Plan for Older People in Medway, the Medway Joint Health and Social Care Commissioning Strategy for Older People set out how Medway Council and NHS Medway will take a more strategic and joined-up approach to commissioning services for older people in Medway. The strategy allows key commissioning intentions to be set out clearly and in one place; these intentions have been developed from analysis of local needs in the locality and, crucially, the feedback and involvement of local stakeholders, including older people themselves and their carers.

Publication date: 05/01/2010

Date of decision: 05/01/2010

Decided at meeting: 05/01/2010 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: