Decision details

Gateway 1 Options Appraisal: A228 Stoke Crossing

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek approval to commence the procurement process for the the provision of the new Stoke Crossing (A228).

Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Regeneration, Community and Culture


234/2009 The Cabinet agreed to: (i) approve the line and layout of the new road and bridge as set out in the drawings appended to the report and the preferred options (paragraph 7.11 of the report); (ii) approve the use of weathered steel for the main beams; (iii) a planning application for the bridge being submitted; (iv) note that the Monitoring Officer had agreed the use of the Accelerated Restricted Procedure under her delegated authority, and in consultation with the Procurement Board; (v) delegate the decisions to the form of the contract to the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Procurement Board.

Reasons for the decision:

These decisions enable the project to be progressed and delivered in accordance with the signed Community Infrastructure Funding agreement, minimise future maintenance costs and enable officers to make timely decisions in the best interests of project delivery based on the final design and its costs.

Publication date: 15/12/2009

Date of decision: 15/12/2009

Decided at meeting: 15/12/2009 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/12/2009

Accompanying Documents: