Decision details

Revenue Budget Monitoring

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To report on the latest monitoring position


160/2007 The Cabinet noted the following actions taken under delegated authority:
a) Management restructuring in the leisure centres
b) Implementation of new income collection methods at the leisure centres
c) A reiteration of the spending moratorium backed by specific identification of unspent supplies and services budgets
d) A rigid review of all posts that become vacant with recruitment proposals backed by a business case and authorised at director and portfolio holder level and this to include any proposal to utilise agency staff on an interim basis
e) A review of all discretionary spending areas not covered by the general moratorium to determine the necessity of further commitment e.g. learning and development, events, grants etc.

161/2007 The Cabinet approved, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, that there is a restriction of opening hours for general public use at the Stirling Centre and that officers explore the use of facilities by local schools during these periods. This is to be done in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Services.
162/2007 The Cabinet approved, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, the closure of the crèche facilities at Black Lion, Strood and Hoo, with the small number of existing users being directed to alternate private sector nursery or childminder provision.
163/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the fees and charges set out in Appendix 4 and 5 of the report be adopted.

Reasons for the decision:

Cabinet has the responsibility to ensure effective budgetary control to contain expenditure within the approved limits set by Council. Where a budget overspend is forecast, Cabinet supported by the corporate management team must identify measures to remove the excess expenditure.

Publication date: 25/09/2007

Date of decision: 25/09/2007

Decided at meeting: 25/09/2007 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/10/2007

Accompanying Documents: