Decision details

Proposals for the Development of Churchlands

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To report on the proposals for the redevelopment of Churchlands.


234/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council to delegate authority to the Director of Finance & Corporate Services (in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Community Services) to finalise the negotiations and enter into the proposed development agreement, lease, care contract and associated documentation for the redevelopment of Churchlands, subject to the Director being satisfied that the transaction represents best consideration and is in accord with the Heads of Terms detailed in the exempt appendix to the report.
235/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council that subject to the necessary contracts and agreements being in place, to make the Churchlands site available to KCHT on the terms set out in paragraph 3.1 of the exempt appendix to the report.
236/2006 The Cabinet delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to:·Accept the surrender from KCHT of their leases at Churchlands and Lennox Wood ·Vary or release covenants on the garage site adjacent to Thorndyke House to enable development proposals for extra care housing to be progressed by mhs.
237/2006 The Cabinet noted that the Director of Community Services will undertake formal consultation with staff on the proposal to close Shaws Wood as a Council Linked Service Centre.
238/2006 The Cabinet agreed the temporary accommodation of Churchlands residents and KCHT staff in Shaws Wood until the redevelopment of Churchlands is complete, subject to contract, and the outcome of consultations by KCHT.
239/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers to seek a partner who is willing to undertake the development of an extra care housing scheme on the site of Lennox Wood from 2009.

Reasons for the decision:

The redevelopment of Churchlands as a Centre of Excellence for older people would positively progress the achievement of Medway's Older People's Plan. This would enable people to remain independent as well as enhance the quality of care services and their living environment.The temporary use of Shaws Wood by KCHT if required, would enable friendship groups from Churchlands to remain together and ensure that Shaws Wood continues to benefit the local community until the council is ready to redevelop the site.The closure of Shaws Wood is necessary to enable its eventual redevelopment by the Council.The redevelopment of the Lennox Wood site for extra care sheltered housing is necessary to realise the next stage of the Older People's strategy.

Publication date: 28/11/2006

Date of decision: 28/11/2006

Decided at meeting: 28/11/2006 - Cabinet

Effective from: 07/12/2006

Accompanying Documents: