Decision details

Disposal of Properties and Release/Variation of a Restrictive Covenant

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


214/2005 The Cabinet declared the following properties surplus, (as edged black/hatched black on the plans attached in the report) so that they can be sold to the existing occupiers or sold once the residential occupiers have been re-housed, such sale to be on the best terms reasonably obtainable:
a) 29 Smith Street Strood
b) 57 Smith Street Strood
c) 132 Frindsbury Road Strood
d) 136 Frindsbury Road Strood (together with the site of 138 Frindsbury Road as hatched black on the plan attached in the report)
e) High Street Strood (this comprises a ground floor lock up shop and a first floor flat).
215/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the following properties are retained for the time being and continue to be used for temporary accommodation for the homeless until they are required for road improvements in Strood or until it is no longer cost effective to use them for this purpose.
a) 54 Northcote Road Strood
b) 7 Cuxton Road Strood (this comprises a ground floor lock up shop and a first floor flat).
216/2005 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to declare the following properties surplus and dispose of them, on the best terms reasonably obtainable, if they are no longer needed for temporary accommodation for the homeless, or it is not cost effective to retain them for this use:
a) 3 Corporation Road Gillingham
b) 126 Frindsbury Road Strood
c) 128 Frindsbury Road Strood
d) 55 Medway Road Gillingham.
217/2005 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to vary or release the covenant on the land at 13 Hughes Drive, Wainscott as edged black on the plan attached in the report on the best terms reasonably obtainable.

Reasons for the decision:

To ensure that Council homes meet the decent homes standard and to contribute towards the Council's capital receipt target of £4m per annum.

Publication date: 27/09/2005

Date of decision: 27/09/2005

Decided at meeting: 27/09/2005 - Cabinet

Effective from: 06/10/2005

Accompanying Documents: