Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To present the Outline Business Case for the Bishop of Rochester Academy for Cabinet approval and onward submission to Partnerships for Schools to secure funding.


This report presented details of the Outline Business Case for the Bishop of Rochester Academy. The Cabinet, in December 2008, agreed to establish a new Academy to replace Medway Community College and Chatham South School. The Outline Business Case set out the proposal to provide new buildings for the Academy on the Medway Community College site in Chatham.


It was reported that the Outline Business Case would secure external funding from Partnership for Schools (PfS) and that the total estimated construction cost was approximately £27 million. It was noted that the Final Business Case would be submitted to Cabinet in November 2011 and that the new Academy building was due to open in June 2013.


The report stated that a Diversity Impact Assessment would be undertaken on this project and would be reported to Cabinet with the Final Business Case.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the Outline Business Case for Bishop of Rochester Academy and gave delegated authority to the Director of Children and Adults in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to make minor changes to the OBC after it has been subjected to the Partnerships for Schools (PfS) Peer Review for ratification on behalf of the Council.




The submission of a completed Outline Business Case is required by PfS, in order to secure funding for the scheme.

Report author: Chris McKenzie

Publication date: 21/04/2010

Date of decision: 20/04/2010

Decided at meeting: 20/04/2010 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: