Decision details

2010/2011 Revenue and Capital Budgets

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek Cabinet's views on the 2010/2011 Revenue and Capital budgets prior to consideration and approval at Council on 25 February 2010.

Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee: All


16/2/09 NOTED 1 The Cabinet noted the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, as summarised in Section 7 and detailed in Appendix 2 of the main report.
16/2/10 NOTED 2 The Cabinet noted the decision of Employment Matters Committee, set out in paragraph 2.2. of the addendum report, insofar as the council will not meet the additional cost of the ISA registration fee.
19/2010 The Cabinet recommended to Council the capital budget proposals as set out in the revised Appendix 1, as attached to the addendum report, and recommended that Council consider the inclusion of the additional regeneration scheme referred to in paragraph 3.10 of the main report.
20/2010 The Cabinet recommended that Council consider the addition to the revenue budget of £52,500 for disabled parking bays referred to in paragraph 8.4 of the main report.
21/2010 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the net revenue budget summarised at Table 7 in the main report, amounting to £378.8 million, should be adopted and that this be partly financed by a 2.95% increase in Council Tax, equivalent to a Band D figure of £1,124.55.
22/2010 The Cabinet authorised the Chief Executive to request that the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families varies the level of the Central Expenditure Limit to accommodate the planned £700,000 addition for the recovery of costs arising from schools closures and agreed that this matter be dealt with in accordance with urgency provisions and therefore not subject to call-in.
23/2010 The Cabinet recommended to Council the fees and charges set out at Appendix 5 (circulated separately) incorporating the items referred to in Section 5 of the addendum report.
24/2010 The Cabinet agreed that the Chief Finance Officer be requested to calculate the formal requirements under Sections 32 and 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for resolution by special Council on 25 February 2010.
25/2010 The Cabinet, in respect of the Housing Revenue Account, recommended the following to Council on 25 February 2010 for approval:
a) The proposed Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2010/2011, inclusive of an average rent increase of £0.99 per week (based upon 50 collection weeks and equating to an increase of 1.46%);
b) That service charges for 2010/2011 reflect the costs incurred in providing that service, where possible, and that costs increase by no more than 5.0% over that charged in 2009/2010. The average increase will be 1.72% and
c) That garage rent charges are held at 2009/2010 levels.
26/2010 The Cabinet noted the comments of MeRGe summarised in Section 1 of the addendum report and requested the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services to consider ways to deliver efficiencies in the costs of the Housing Revenue Account.

Reasons for the decision:

The Constitution requires that Cabinet's budget proposals must be forwarded to Council for consideration and approval.The Council is required by statute to set a budget and council tax levels by 11 March each year.

Publication date: 16/02/2010

Date of decision: 16/02/2010

Decided at meeting: 16/02/2010 - Cabinet

Effective from: 25/02/2010

Accompanying Documents: