Decision details

Capital Budget Monitoring

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To report on the latest monitoring position.

Relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee


206/2008 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Front Line Services, to negotiate and acquire a short-term lease of the Medway Street Car Park upon the best terms reasonably obtainable.
207/2008 The Cabinet recommended to Council the improvement works to the Medway Street Car Park as an addition to the Capital Programme on an invest to save basis and to adopt the same car parking charges as currently charged at the Globe Lane Car Park.
208/2008 The Cabinet agreed to the current Traffic Regulation Order for Globe Lane car park being extended to allow for parking regulations on the Medway Street Car Park.

Reasons for the decision:

Cabinet has the responsibility to ensure effective budgetary control to contain expenditure within the approved limits set by Council.

Publication date: 23/09/2008

Date of decision: 23/09/2008

Decided at meeting: 23/09/2008 - Cabinet

Effective from: 02/10/2008

Accompanying Documents: