Meeting documents

Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Business Support
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Presentation Suite
Civic Centre
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
7:00 pm
 3 January 2007 (Finance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee)
The Chairman will announce any late items which do not appear on the main agenda but which he has agreed should be considered by reason of special circumstances to be specified in the reports.
A report on investment partners was sent to Members on 31 January 2007 and will be declared urgent. The report will be considered as the last item of business as it contains an exempt appendix.
 > Exempt cover sheet (pdf file 6.9kb)
 > Investment Partners for Medway (pdf file 28.0kb)
 (a)Personal interests under the Medway Code of Conduct
 (b)Prejudicial interests under the Medway Code of Conduct

A Councillor who declares a prejudicial interest must withdraw from the room unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Council's Standard's Committee or the exemption under paragraph 12(2) of the Medway Code of Conduct applies.

If an interest is not declared at the outset of the meeting, it should be disclosed as soon as the interest becomes apparent.
 (c)Whipping - the Council's constitution also requires any Member of the Committee who is subject to a party whip (i.e. agreeing to vote in line with the majority view of a private party group meeting) to declare the existence of the whip and the nature of it before the item is discussed.
 (A)Draft capital and revenue budgets (Budget scrutiny)
To present for consideration comments and recommendations of all overview and scrutiny committees on the initial budget plan proposed by Cabinet on 28 November 2006.
 > Capital and revenue budget (pdf file 23.2kb)
 (B)Revenue budget monitoring (Budget scrutiny)
This report summarises the financial monitoring position for the current year to date. This is the third monitoring report for the year and is based on actual income and expenditure to November 2006.
 > Revenue monitoring cover (pdf file 18.5kb)
 > Revenue monitoring appendix 1 (pdf file 9.6kb)
 > Revenue monitoring appendix 2 (pdf file 21.3kb)
 > Revenue monitoring appendix 3 (pdf file 26.7kb)
 > Revenue monitoring appendix 4 (pdf file 11.6kb)
 > Revenue monitoring appendix 5 (pdf file 11.6kb)
 > Revenue monitoring appendix 6 (pdf file 9.6kb)
 (C)Capital budget monitoring (Budget scrutiny)
This report presents the capital monitoring for the period to November 2006 with an outturn forecast for 2006/2007.
 > Capital monitoring cover (pdf file 19.3kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 1 (pdf file 9.3kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 2a (pdf file 9.0kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 2b (pdf file 8.2kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 3a (pdf file 25.5kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 3b (pdf file 14.4kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 3c (pdf file 18.4kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 3d (pdf file 14.5kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 4a (pdf file 38.4kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 4b (pdf file 10.0kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 4c (pdf file 11.3kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 4d (pdf file 11.5kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 4e (pdf file 9.7kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 4f (pdf file 12.0kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 5a (pdf file 8.7kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 5b (pdf file 13.4kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6a (pdf file 36.2kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6b (pdf file 18.8kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6c (pdf file 18.0kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6d (pdf file 14.9kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6e (pdf file 11.2kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6f (pdf file 13.7kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6g (pdf file 15.5kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6h (pdf file 17.4kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6i (pdf file 13.9kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6j (pdf file 13.9kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6k (pdf file 16.9kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6l (pdf file 16.9kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6m (pdf file 16.9kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6n (pdf file 16.9kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6o (pdf file 16.9kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 6p (pdf file 16.9kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 7a (pdf file 48.3kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 7b (pdf file 14.2kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 7d (pdf file 15.3kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 7e (pdf file 16.2kb)
 > Capital monitoring appendix 7f (pdf file 17.5kb)
 (D)Critical success factors (Performance management)
This report outlines progress against the Council's main priorities during the first three quarters of this financial year, as indicated through the monitoring of the defined critical success factor indicators.

 > Critical success factors (pdf file 148.1kb)
 (E)Work programme (Business management)
This report allows the Committee to consider changes or additions to be made to the work programme and to request items from the forward plan as pre-decision scrutiny.
 > Work programme report (pdf file 12.1kb)
 > Work programme appendix (pdf file 13.6kb)
 (F)Replace with report title
Replace with report detail