Meeting documents

Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Regeneration, Community and Culture
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
6:30 pm to 8:45 pm
Record of the meeting

This record is subject to approval at the next meeting

Committee members:Councillors Avey, Bright, Crack, Godwin, Tony Goulden, Sylvia Griffin, Mrs Haydock, Hunter (Chairman), McFarlane, Maisey and Stamp
Substitute members:Councillor Brake (for Councillor Hewett)

The record of the meetings held on 29 May 2008 and 19 June 2008 were signed by the Chairman as correct.
An apology for absence was received from Councillor Hewett.
The Committee received a presentation from the Assistant Director, Front Line Services together with the Head of Waste Services and the Waste Minimisation Manager giving details of the historical background to waste legislation, the current contract and the proposed enhancements and alterations to the new contract including details on food waste options and minimisation.
Members asked questions and made comments which included but was not limited to:
 levels of biodegradable tonnage presently sent to landfill sites
 difficulty of introducing recycling schemes to flats
 mixing of garden and kitchen waste
 the legal status of the financial contract between Medway Council and Kent County Council for non-Medway residents using Medway's Civic Amenity sites
 monitoring of the content of black sacks if garden waste is not to be put in them
 recycling of aluminium cans, metals and bottles
 delivery of brown bins
 termination of the contract for poor performance
 the planning authority influencing developers about the tidy storage of recycling receptacles
 packaging and tetra-paks of food products
 possible collections on bank holidays
 possibility of combining collection of food and waste in the same weekly collection.
The Committee requested a briefing note on the status of the financial contract between Medway Council and Kent County Council for non-Medway residents using Medway's Civic Amenity sites.
Members discussed a method of recycling carried out in Germany where residents held local 'roadside' recycling schemes. This involved residents putting out their unwanted items on the kerbside which were then available for other residents to take away if they wished to have it. This removed the need for a middle man (eg. the council) to dispose of the unwanted items. Officers were requested to submit a report by the end of the year with details of whether it would be possible to pilot this type of scheme within Medway.
The Committee also discussed the problem of waste frequently being left on the kerbside on the wrong collection cycle. Officer were asked to investigate the possibility of producing a guidance note to residents setting out the Council's requirements around recycling of waste.
 > Options appraisal for waste collection services (pdf file 147.8kb)
The Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee requested that Cabinet agree the following recommendations:
 (a)agree to the contract payment mechanism for the collection of refuse and recyclable materials from domestic properties being based upon the number of properties in Medway established through the Council Tax database;
 (b)not accept garden waste if placed within domestic residual waste but accept only as part of the garden waste collection scheme;
 (c)consider offering a second brown bin for composting garden waste at a cost to be paid by the householder;
 (d)accept that all recycling containers become the responsibility of the council to maintain and replace unless it is due to the fault of the collection contractor;
 (e)consider adopting a policy requiring developers to pay for all waste and recycling containers for new residential properties. This may be done under the provisions of Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended);
 (f)agree to the incorporation of separately priced items within the street cleaning contract to cover traffic management and weed control;
 (g)continue to obtain recompense from the County for imported household waste and to continue to seek redress over the LATS permits rather than introduce a resident permit system to prevent use of the Council's HWRCs by householders from outside the borough as proposed by White, Young and Green;
 (h)continue with the current free bulky waste collection of one free collection every six months;
 (i)combine the requirements for clinical waste with those of other councils that are interested in a joint arrangement where this is facilitated by the termination dates of their contracts;
 (j)deal with refuse, recycling and garden waste collections and street cleaning as an individual contract but that the management of the HWRCs and the collection of clinical waste arrangements be separated to invite maximum interest from bidders specialising in these services;
 (k)make provision for the ownership of residual waste and recycling materials collected to be retained by the Council except for certain recycling materials collected at the HWRCs that may help to incentivise the recycling opportunities at these sites;
 (l)agree that the duration of the collection contracts continue to be for 7 years with an allowance to extend if and where appropriate by up to a further two years;
 (m)agree Option 4f as the collection option for the new contract(s) taking account of the comments of the community and value for money and also with additional wording as follows:

"Based on weekly collection of refuse in a wheeled bin where such bins can be accommodated by the resident, if not by using a sack, a fortnightly collection of garden and kitchen waste in a wheeled bin (kitchen waste being placed in the normal refuse in intermediate weeks) and recycling collected fortnightly in a wheeled bin with glass collected at the same time from a separate box."
Members discussed the Cabinet's Forward Plan reports within the remit of this committee, a referral from the Rural Liaison Committee, task groups, Local Area Agreements (LAA) and an item previously requested on the Medway Tunnel, as set out in paragraph 4 of the report.
 > Work Programme report (pdf file 38.6kb)
 > Work Programme schedule (pdf file 16.3kb)
The Committee agreed the following:
 (a)that two reports from the Cabinet's Forward Plan are submitted for consideration as pre-decision scrutiny on 28 August 2008, these being the 'Museum Acquisition and Disposal Policy 2008-2012' and the 'Award of the Contract for Medway Park;'
 (b)the referral from the Rural Liaison Committee, together with the subsequent action taken and multi-agency meetings held by officers, were noted and officers were requested to share any outcomes from the multi-agency meetings with the Rural Liaison Committee;
 (c)to await the outcome of the Department for Transport study into options for a Lower Thames river crossing before agreeing the terms of reference for a task group on this matter;
 (d)a report on Local Area Agreements was added to the work programme for consideration on 28 August 2008;
 (e)that the current Medway Tunnel item on the work programme was deleted but that another report was added for consideration in 12 months time detailing the programme of maintenance and refurbishment of the tunnel with a review of the costs to the Council;
 (f)a report on the Local Transport Plan 2 (LTP2) was timetabled for consideration on 21 October 2008;
 (g)a report on the ammonium nitrate store at Chatham Historic Dockyard was timetabled for consideration on 3 December 2008 (provided the current planning application had been dealt with by that time);
 (h)a report on the general economic position of Strood High Street, following the Strood Impact Study was timetabled for consideration on 3 December 2008;
 (i)that Kent Police were invited to give a presentation to the committee on the Roads Policing Strategy and that the Council's road safety team were also asked to give a presentation on road safety on 3 December 2008.