Meeting documents

Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 27 March 2008

Business Support
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 27 March 2008
7:00 pm to 8:35 pm
Record of the meeting

This record is subject to approval at the next meeting

Committee members:Councillors Kenneth Bamber (Chairman) , Brice, Carr, Mrs Etheridge, Gilry, Griffiths, Hunter, Mackinlay, Royle and Stamp
Substitute members:Councillor Stephen Kearney (for Councillor Juby)
In attendance:Councillor Rodney Chambers, Leader of the Council, to be held to account

The record of the meeting held on 7 February 2008 was signed by the Chairman as correct.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Juby and Harriott.
The Chairman announced that an urgent item had been sent to all Members of the Committee relating to the constitutional changes to the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, which would be considered by the Cabinet on 1 April 2008. He agreed to consider this matter as item 6 (C) prior to the work programme.
 > O&S changes (pdf file 19.0kb)
 > O&S changes - appendix A (pdf file 41.4kb)
Councillor Griffiths declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 (A) (Draft Guide to Developer Contributions) by virtue of the fact that he is a non-executive director of Medway Primary Care Trust.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Rodney Chambers, addressed the Committee about the areas of his portfolio relating to democracy and governance. He mentioned the briefing note circulated to all Members of the Committee prior to the meeting and referred to the following issues:
 Member services and elections
 His role in terms of the constitution and governance
 The legislative changes affecting the Council including a change to Comprehensive Area Assessment
 The importance of the Council's role as a partner
 The Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) and Local Area Agreements
 Member development
Members questioned him on the following topics:
 Issues surrounding effective consultation
 The impact of the LSP on local decision-making
 The effect of health scrutiny
 Reduction in Cabinet posts to correspond with the reorganisation of Directorates (the Leader confirmed this was under review)
The Committee thanked the Leader, Councillor Rodney Chambers, for his helpful presentation and for attending the Committee.
 > Portfolio Holder held to account (pdf file 16.9kb)
The Assistant Director, Development and Transport, introduced the draft guide to developer contributions and responded to Members' questions. A number of minor amendments to the report were noted during discussion.
A comment was made that the work programme, shown later on the agenda, suggested that the report should have included details of where section 106 money had been spent, including details of deadlines and milestones. It was stated that this could be the subject of a further report to the Committee at a later date.
A request was made that when the Developer Contributions Guide is next reviewed that information relating to the consultation feedback is included in the report in order that Members can assess the information in the light of views received.
Concern was expressed by some Members at the fact that, compared to the national percentage figure, the Council had a low percentage of affordable housing and it was felt that the Cabinet should be urged to increase the level to become more in line with national targets.
 > Developer Contributions (pdf file 18.0kb)
 > Appendix A - Final Draft - The Medway Guide to Developer Contributions (pdf file 1.2Mb)
 > Appendix 2 - Draft - Sustainability Appraisal (pdf file 636.3kb)
 (a)That the Committee supports the adoption of the Medway Council Guide to Developer Contributions, and its Sustainability Appraisal, as Supplementary Planning Documents and recommends them to the Cabinet;
 (b)That the Cabinet is encouraged to increase the target percentage of affordable homes to 33% in line with national targets;
 (c)At the time that the Developer Contributions Guide is reviewed by the Committee it was agreed that feedback from the consultation process is included in the report.
The Assistant Director, Organisational Services, introduced a report requested by the Committee, on the management of sickness absence, and responded to Members' questions.
The following suggestions were made:
 That consideration is given to employing a full time occupational health nurse on site at Gun Wharf
 The Bradford Index is considered as a means of monitoring patterns of short term sickness
 An option of adjusting the pay scales to a locally agreed scale to allow private healthcare to be offered to staff, as a means of reducing delay in waiting times for surgery, should be considered (it was accepted that such a radical change in terms of employment would need to be considered by Employment Matters Committee should officers decide to take the matter further)
 In future staff sickness reports that numbers of staff employed showing comparative annual data to enable Members to determine trends more easily
With regard to the suggestion of moving to a locally agreed scale to allow private healthcare to be offered to staff it was requested that this should be dealt with separately and not carried forward as part of the suggestions for officers to consider.
 > Sickness report (pdf file 35.7kb)
 > Sickness Days Appendix 1 to 6B Sickness Report (pdf file 9.2kb)
The Assistant Director, Organisational Services, agreed to consider the above suggestions and report back, as appropriate, to the Committee.
The Assistant Director, Customer First, Democracy and Governance gave a brief introduction to the report, which had been declared urgent, and explained the background to the proposed changes to the Overview and Scrutiny Committees in response to the Directorate reorganisation.
 > O&S changes (pdf file 19.0kb)
 > O&S changes - appendix A (pdf file 41.4kb)
The report was noted.
That a further report on developer contributions, setting out details of where section 106 money has been spent, including details of deadlines and milestones, is added to the work programme.
 > Work programme (pdf file 16.7kb)
 > Work programme - schedule (pdf file 14.2kb)