Meeting documents

Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 20 November 2008

Regeneration, Community and Culture
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 20 November 2008
6:03 pm to 7:05 pm
Record of the meeting

This record is subject to approval at the next meeting

Committee members:Councillors Avey, Bright, Crack, Godwin, Tony Goulden, Mrs Haydock, Hewett, Hunter (Chairman) and MacFarlane
Substitute members:Councillor Brice (for Councillor Sylvia Griffin)
Councillor Stephen Kearney (for Councillor Stamp)
Councillor O'Brien (for Councillor Maisey)

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sylvia Griffin, Maisey and Stamp.
The Committee was shown a promotional film entitled "Welcome to Medway", together with artist's impressions of the proposed extension and makeover of the Black Lion Leisure Centre (to be renamed Medway Park). The purpose was to make the building more open, light and with modern facilities in time for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics.
Members were advised that it was anticipated that Medway Park would not only be instrumental for the lasting benefit of Medway but also used as training facilities for teams in the build up to the games, for regional and international events and for business use.
The Assistant Director (Housing and Corporate Services), the Chief Finance Officer, Alan Godden (Quantity Surveyor for Huntley Cartwright), Kasan Goh (Clay Architecture Ltd.) and the Medway 2012 Manager

responded to Members' questions. This included advice concerning the use of contributions from partners and an explanation as to how the Council's spend had been programmed for the final stages of the project. Members were assured that the recommended contractor had appropriate guarantees in place against liquidation and that officers were confident that all aspects of the project would be achieved within the overall budget.
In response to specific design questions, it was noted that the athletics track had been designed with the help of UK Athletics and that temporary stands could be installed for events. Furthermore, the gymnastics hall was to be re-modelled to ensure sufficient space for the vault facilities.
The Assistant Director (Housing and Corporate Services) informed the Committee that the contract was being let on a 'Design and Build' basis, which apportioned the majority of the risk to the contractor. It was explained that a very detailed brief of the Council's requirements had been given to tenderers for a fixed and guaranteed price and this would only change if the Council, as the client, changed the brief. In each contractors bid there was a £250,000 contingency fund built in to the total cost to cover any unforeseen problems.
The Chief Finance Officer responded to questions concerning the capital funding and revenue implications of the leisure centre being shut whilst works were being carried out. He advised that funding was secure for the £11.1 million budget cost and further advised that capital monies would be set aside to cover any revenue loss. However, revenue budget predictions for the leisure centre would be set as if it remained fully open and any agreed income loss would be made good by a transfer of finance from capital to revenue.
There was some concern that there may be tough decisions to be made in the future, if the new facilities at Medway Park impacted on other leisure centres not being used to the extent they are currently.

 > Award of Medway Park Contract (pdf file 25.4kb)
 > Appendix 1 - Award of Medway Park Contract (pdf file 731.7kb)
The Committee:
 (a)recommended that Cabinet award the tender of the extension and new build contract to Tenderer A set out in Exempt Appendix Three;
 (b)requested a briefing note on the financial calculations of any revenue loss whilst areas of the Black Lion Leisure Centre were closed for on-going works.