Meeting documents

Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Regeneration, Community and Culture
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
6:00 pm to 7:35 pm
Record of the meeting

This record is subject to approval at the next meeting

Committee members:Councillors Bright, Crack, Godwin, Tony Goulden, Griffin, Hicks, Hunter (Chairman), Maisey and Stamp
Substitute members:Councillor Brice (for Councillor Hewett)
Councillor Murray (for Councillor Hubbard)

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Hewett and Hubbard.
The Chairman announced there were no urgent matters but he wished to advise the committee that agenda item 4(B) Local Development Framework: Issues and Options report had been deferred to the next special meeting on 17 June 2009, as the report was not yet ready for consideration. Members advised that they would wish for immediate notification in the future, rather than to be told at the meeting.
This report gave an outline of the proposals recently published in the Kent Route Utilisation Strategy (RUS) and suggested issues which may be included in response to the consultation.
Richard Howkins, Route Planner (South East Territory) from Network Rail, advised that when formulating a Route Utilisation Strategy (RUS) it looked at future needs in the immediate future (10 years) in detail and then followed the next 20 years in broad outline, thereby covering a 30 year period. The RUS had to find any gaps in provision and suggest actions to deal with this. Mr Howkins then gave a presentation which included:
 the process used to compile the strategy
 passenger demand forecasts
 peak crowding statistics
 Chatham main line
 High Speed rail options for future use
 2019 emerging strategy and the 30 year scenario
 services within/beyond Kent
 journey times
 station accessibility and new station proposals
 evening and weekend services
 freight capability.
The Public Transport manager gave a short presentation covering the following points and making suggested responses or questions this raised for Medway:
 growth expected in Medway
 Medway had already been identified as an existing bottleneck which appeared to deter new services, for example Thameslink
 RUS proposed capacity enhancements - better use of High Speed services, maximum 12 car trains and East Kent re-signalling works - but there were concerns that these would not be enough to deal with the growth
 Medway's key needs included - right balance of fast/slow services and Cannon Street fast services. Cannon Street was ideally placed for many users as the station to their place of work.
 'turnback' (termination of services) - identified as happening at Rochester and Gillingham but Rainham is one of the busiest stations, so the 'turnback' would be better further east
 Gatwick - the RUS had identified this as not viable but was this considered as a slow, stopping service or a fast regional link? If used as a fast regional link, it might be more attractive to passengers as an alternative to the M25
 Draft timetable for December 2009 recently published by South Eastern - papers were circulated summarising the morning and evening peak hour trains and journey times.
The committee asked a variety of questions and made observations which included:
 what happened to the comments from the consultation and how the strategy was finalised. Members were advised that Network Rail was the final judge and unless any objections were received within a 30 day time period to the first final strategy published in Spring 2010, then it would be finalised. Otherwise it was sent to the Office of the Rail Regulator for adjudication
 options were outlined in the RUS for the extension of the high speed services from Rochester to Faversham or from Ebbsfleet to Ashford or Ebbsfleet to Maidstone via Strood. Members asked why the second option had not been put forward as a recommendation by officers to be encouraged by Medway Council as the preferred option. The committee was advised that the Faversham option could offer greater benefits for Medway and therefore the Strood and Maidstone option was not included in the recommendations. Network Rail responded that they expected that the Faversham option would be carried forward but there would be a choice between the Ashford and Strood/Maidstone options. Officers agreed to take this point forward to request that Cabinet recommends that the service should be built up in the best way possible from Medway's point of view
 why it seemed that the main share of new services and development benefited south Kent when more people lived in north Kent (accepting that there had been development in Ashford.) The committee was advised that the options put forward in the consultation had tried to make the most of the whole network
 the location of Rochester station and the problems with Rochester Bridge being the main bottleneck to the lines to London
 the statistics for volume of passengers to the number of seats available - there was confusion on the statistics and what they represented. Members were advised the figures showed the number of passengers as a percentage of the seats available and were an average for all trains over the three hour morning peak period
 an assurance that Rainham would not lose any services in the future - Network Rail did not expect any reductions but could not give any guarantee
 franchising of station car parks and revenue - Members expressed concern that the revenue from station car parks was passing to private companies and not supporting the rail service. However, this was an issue for the train operating companies rather than Network Rail
 how realistic were the growth figures in the RUS if 28% had already been achieved during the past 10 years, given the strong competition from coach services. Members were advised that the growth figures had been taken from the South East Plan and overlaid with Department for Transport estimations on services
 disappointment that the proposal to combine Rochester and Strood stations was not put forward as a viable option. Members were advised that a separate re-development at Strood station was currently on-going. An assessment of Rochester Bridge concluded that it would not stand the additional weight of the platforms required
 welcoming the proposals for the freight branch at Grain but requesting whether consideration could be given to the possibility of passenger services developed on this line - perhaps even a pay-as-you-go passenger service to Gravesend. The committee was advised that the use of the Grain branch for passenger services had not been investigated but that Network Rail was aware of the aspirations for this line. However, it would mean significant infrastructure at Gravesend with considerable cost implications, which current demand would not justify
 re-development at Cannon Street - was this giving specific adverse effect to passengers from Medway. Members were advised that after the Olympics in 2012, there would be a three year construction period affecting services through London Bridge. The services would need to be thinned out and all of Kent would share the burden of a reduced service.
The Chairman thanked everyone for their contributions to the meeting and asked if the recommendations set out in the report were agreed. A proposal for an additional recommendation was circulated as follows:
"This committee notes with concern that the government has discriminated against South Eastern and North Kent rail users by ordering fare increases well above the rate of inflation. No consideration has been given to the expected increases in revenue due to the growth of passenger numbers in North Kent."
On being put to the vote, this was lost.
 > CTRL RUS appendix (pdf file 147.4kb)
 > CTRL RUS covering report (pdf file 132.5kb)
The committee recommended that Cabinet is encouraged to include the following areas of concern in its response to the RUS:-
 (i)disappointment at the very limited proposals to increase capacity on the classic (existing mainline) rail network, and in particular the capacity constraints in the Medway area which appear to discourage the running of additional trains and services;
 (ii)encourage retention of fast services between Medway and Cannon Street to continue to offer direct access into the City of London for people working there;
 (iii)ensure that an appropriate priority and capacity is given to fast train services on the existing lines;
 (iv)encourage the provision of turnback facilities further to the east to allow terminating trains to serve fully the Medway area;
 (v)encourage the speedy introduction of the Grain line enhancements to enable improvements to the freight services in this area and to minimise the risk of delays to passenger services on the main line;
 (vi)encourage the development of a rail service to Gatwick Airport via the Medway Valley Line.