Meeting documents

Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Business Support
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Record of the meeting

This record is subject to approval at the next meeting

Committee members:Councillors Kenneth Bamber (Chairman), Brice, Mrs Etheridge, Gilry, Griffiths, Juby, Mackinlay, Royle, Stamp and Ward
Substitute members:Councillor Carr (for Councillor Hunter)

The record of the meeting held on 6 September 2007 was signed by the Chairman as correct.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Harriott and Hunter.
The Chairman announced that there were no urgent items but that he would vary the order of the agenda as minuted below.
Councillor Griffiths declared a personal interest in any item concerning Dane Court School as his wife is an employee and in any reference to the Primary Care Trust (PCT) on the grounds that he is a non-executive director of Medway PCT.
Councillor Juby gave a brief introduction to the item called in by the Liberal Democrat Group and stated that, following a discussion with the Assistant Director, Corporate Services, the group's concerns had been addressed. He wanted to ensure that the needs of disabled people in relation to specially adapted furniture had been taken into account and suggested that partner organisations might be interested in the existing surplus furniture.
The point was made that in that case the call in of this item had been very unhelpful and caused unnecessary delay in ordering the new furniture which was required. Each political group gave their support to the proposed move.
 > Appendix A Call-in report (pdf file 37.4kb)
 > Appendix B Call-in report (pdf file 36.4kb)
 > Call-in of Furniture for new Civic HQ (pdf file 18.6kb)
The Committee noted the comments made above and decided to take no further action in relation to the call in.
The Head of Property gave a brief introduction to the report on the level of maintenance backlog, the measures being taken to reduce the backlog and the current budgetary position. He then responded to Members' questions.
Members queried, in particular, the amount of backlog maintenance in respect of the Castles set out in appendix 2 of the report. They felt it would be helpful to have further information setting out the options open to the Council in respect of the English Heritage sites, including legal and financial implications, and whether there was an opportunity for the Council to review its obligations under the Local Management Agreements with English Heritage.

The point was made that with the current budget situation a decision about the long term position of the Council's assets would need to be made in order that only the most vital buildings were retained. It was important that the Council operated within its means and managed its assets effectively.
With regard to the £478,372 required to maintain Britton Farm Car Park in Arden Street, Gillingham Councillor Juby requested a more detailed breakdown of this amount. He also requested further information with regard to the effect of the new building works on the backlog of maintenance at the Black Lion Leisure Centre.
 > Appendix 1 Building Repairs and Maintenance-Property Rationalisation (pdf file 16.9kb)
 > Appendix 2 Building Repairs and Maintenance-Property Rationalisation (pdf file 15.4kb)
 > Building Repairs and Maintenance-Property Rationalisation (pdf file 19.9kb)
 (i)The Committee noted the report and that the savings identified in paragraph 6.4 of the report may not be realised in full;
 (ii)Officers were requested to amend appendices 1 and 2 to include the four priority categories, referred to in the report, and totals and send them to all members of the Committee;
 (iii)Officers to investigate ways of funding the English Heritage sites including the Castles setting out options and consequences;
 (iv)That a briefing note is provided to Councillor Juby giving details of the works required at Britton Farm Car Park in Gillingham and the position regarding the backlog maintenance at the Black Lion.
Inspector David Coleman attended the meeting and gave a detailed presentation setting out the involvement of the Police in licensing enforcement. He then responded to Members' questions. PC Trevor Woolgar then joined the meeting and took part in the discussion.
The Committee were advised of preliminary data, just received, outlining the reduction in incidents of violent crime against a person in each of the Council's wards. This reduction, and the success of the various campaigns across the area, was welcomed.
Responding to a query, Inspector Coleman agreed to let the Committee know longer term trends in relation to the incidents of violent crime.
He also stated that since smoking had been banned in public places there had been problems with people congregating outside of public houses and into the street. A suggestion was made that this may present an opportunity for health professionals to speak to these people about the hazards of smoking. Inspector Coleman undertook to raise this matter with the Acting Head of Public Health.
The Chairman then referred to difficulties, which had occurred due to conflicting evidence, which had been received in respect of a licensing hearing and requested the co-operation of the Police in this matter. The attendance of the Police officer who presented written evidence to the hearing was also important in this regard.
Members thanked Inspector Coleman and PC Woolgar for their attendance.
The Head of Enforcement, Litigation and Licensing then presented a report on the minor amendments to the Council's statement of licensing policy.
 > Appendix 1 Review of Council Statement of Licensing Policy (pdf file 81.7kb)
 > Review of Council Statement of Licensing Policy (pdf file 16.4kb)
 (i)At the time of the production of the Licensing Manager's annual report in future the Police be requested to present a report on their licensing activity;
 (ii)Copy of the presentation given is to be sent to all Members of the Committee along with the information requested during the meeting;
 (iii)The Police were requested to note the importance of providing full information at the time when applications are received for licences to be reviewed and that the case is presented by the relevant officer;
 (iv)The Cabinet is recommended to accept the minor housekeeping amendments to the Licensing Policy set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report.
The Chief Finance Officer gave an introduction to the revenue budget monitoring report and detailed the management action being undertaken in each of the directorates for the current year and for the medium term. These measures indicated significant progress towards closing the deficit that was forecast for July 2007 and indicated a reduction in the forecast overspend for 2007/2008 of some £2.8m which would leave £3.6m still to be found.
Discussion took place on the need to embed risk management into the budget process. The point was made that, in the light of the current budget situation, there may be more important issues to be dealt with than the development of Medway Park. Concern was expressed about the overspending on the leisure budget, which was a discretionary element. Further information was required on the following issues:
 the diversity impact assessment on the Stirling Centre
 details of when the increase in staffing and agency forecasts were known for Robert Bean Lodge, Shalder House and the domiciliary services
 from the addendum report, in relation to adult social care eligibility criteria, more information on the potential impact on current users and how many clients would be affected
 the proposed expansion of on street pay and display facilities at Windmill Road and Marlborough Road and whether this was actually feasible.
Referring to the issue of physical disability as a result of an accident the question was put as to whether the Council would be able to assist in the protracted legal cases to reduce the pressure on the budget.
A request was made that at the time of setting the budget the Council should include provision for events rather than continuing to have an overspend each year.

In response to a query the Director of Regeneration and Development confirmed that there would be no parking charges in the Council's car parks on Remembrance Sunday up to 2pm.
 > Appendix 1 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 (pdf file 10.1kb)
 > Appendix 2 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 (pdf file 12.9kb)
 > Appendix 3 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 - BSD (pdf file 11.4kb)
 > Appendix 3 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 - Childrens (pdf file 7.0kb)
 > Appendix 3 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 - Corn and St George (pdf file 17.3kb)
 > Appendix 3 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 - Medway Leisure (pdf file 24.0kb)
 > Appendix 3 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 - R & D (pdf file 18.3kb)
 > Appendix 3 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 - Social Care (pdf file 14.6kb)
 > Appendix 4 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 (pdf file 32.7kb)
 > Appendix 5 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 (pdf file 29.9kb)
 > Appendix 6 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 (pdf file 28.6kb)
 > Appendix 7 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 (pdf file 10.4kb)
 > Appendix 8 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 (pdf file 17.0kb)
 > Revenue Budget Monitoring 2007-2008 (pdf file 25.4kb)
 (i)Members noted the forecast outturn position for 2007/2008 and the management action already taken and proposed;
 (ii)Further information be provided to the Committee as a briefing note on the following:
 the diversity impact assessment on the Stirling Centre
 details of when the increase in staffing and agency forecasts were known for Robert Bean Lodge, Shalder House and the domiciliary services
 from the addendum report, in relation to adult social care eligibility criteria, more information on the potential impact on current users and how many clients would be affected
 he feasibility of the proposed expansion of on street pay and display facilities at Windmill Road and Marlborough Road
 information on whether the Council would be able to assist in protracted legal cases where the public were attempting to obtain legal compensation following an accident, to reduce the pressure on the Council's budget.
 (iii)The Cabinet to note the request from the Committee that, at the time of setting the budget in future, provision should be made for an events budget rather than continuing to have an overspend each year;
 (iv)The Committee supported the Cabinet's planned invest to save schemes and its attempts to move `out of area placements' back into Medway as quickly as possible.
Concern was expressed about the recent Council decision to 'agree in principle' to the Regional Centre of Sporting Excellence (Medway Park) scheme. Members queried whether this was a sound decision on the basis that there was no guarantee that the required external funding would be forthcoming to meet the £3m shortfall.
 > Appendix 1 Capital Budget Monitoring (pdf file 9.6kb)
 > Appendix 2 Capital Budget Monitoring (pdf file 8.8kb)
 > Appendix 2a Capital Budget Monitoring (pdf file 17.5kb)
 > Appendix 3 Capital Budget Monitoring - Childrens Services July 2007 (pdf file 20.3kb)
 > Appendix 3 Capital Budget Monitoring - Childrens Services (pdf file 17.4kb)
 > Appendix 3a Capital Budget Monitoring (pdf file 33.2kb)
 > Appendix 4 Capital Budget Monitoring - Combined (pdf file 11.5kb)
 > Appendix 4 Capital Budget Monitoring - Community Services (pdf file 14.7kb)
 > Appendix 5 Capital Budget Monitoring - Summary 1 (pdf file 24.9kb)
 > Appendix 5 Capital Budget Monitoring - Summary 2PB (pdf file 14.1kb)
 > Appendix 6 Capital Budget Monitoring (pdf file 15.9kb)
 > Appendix 6a Capital Budget Monitoring (pdf file 30.1kb)
 > Capital Budget Monitoring (pdf file 20.4kb)
 (i)Members noted the report and the progress to date towards achieving the outputs set by the capital programme;
 (ii)A report is to be brought back to the Committee on the Medway Park project particularly in connection with the legal and financial consequences should the required external funding not materialise.
The Director of Regeneration and Development introduced a report on the revised Risk Management Strategy and explained the training being devised with Zurich Municipal Management Services.
In response to a query about contingencies for backing up the computer systems he stated that arrangements were in place with other local authorities in the South East so that service departments could transfer to their computers in an emergency.
 > Annual Review of Risk Management Strategy (pdf file 11.3kb)
 > Appendix 1 Annual Review of Risk Management Strategy (pdf file 48.9kb)
Members noted the progress on the actions contained in the original document and recommended approval of the revised Risk Management Strategy to Cabinet.
Membes discussed the items scheduled on the forward plan in relation to the Committee and decided to move the business scheduled for the December meeting to 29 November 2007.
 > Work programme schedule (pdf file 16.1kb)
 > Work programme (pdf file 9.7kb)
That the meeting scheduled for 6 December 2007 is cancelled and the capital and revenue budget monitoring report considered at the meeting scheduled for 29 November 2007.