Meeting documents

Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 15 October 2009

Business Support
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 15 October 2009
6:30 pm to 8:40 pm
Record of the meeting

This record is subject to approval at the next meeting

Committee members:Councillors Avey, Kenneth Bamber (Chairman), Brake, Brice, Tony Goulden, Griffiths, Harriott, Juby, Stephen Kearney and O'Brien
Substitute members:Councillor Andrews (for Councillor Carr)
Councillor Hicks (for Councillor Hunter)
In attendance:Councillors Haydock and Wildey for agenda item 5 (Petition), Mr Bob Ratcliffe, lead petitioner for agenda item 5 (Petition), Mr William Palin, Secretary of SAVE Britain's Heritage, for agenda item 5 (Petition), Rosie Gunstone, Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator, Mick Hayward, Chief Finance Officer, Joy Kirby, Quality Assurance and Client Manager, Deborah Upton, Assistant Director, Housing and Corporate Services

The record of the meeting held on 18 August 2009 was signed by the Chairman as correct.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Carr, Hunter and Mackinlay.
The Chairman announced that he had agreed to take item 5C (Review of support for people in temporary accommodation) as an urgent item on the grounds set out in the report.
Councillor Griffiths declared a personal interest in any reference to NHS Medway (formerly Medway PCT) on the grounds that he is a Non-Executive Director of the Trust and in agenda item 5 which referred to Danecourt School as his wife is an employee there.
Councillors Brake, O'Brien and Juby declared a personal interest in any reference to the health service on the grounds that a member of their family worked in the health service.
With the permission of the Committee, Mr Ratcliffe introduced the petition relating to the recent Council decision to demolish the Aveling and Porter building in Strood.
He stated that the number of petitioners had risen since July and was approaching 2000 although he feared that this increase was too late as the decision had now been taken. He urged members to consider a short presentation by Mr Palin, Secretary of SAVE Britain's Heritage.
Mr Palin handed round a press release dated 14 October 2009 setting out SAVE Britain's Heritage's concerns about the decision to demolish the Aveling and Porter Edwardian building. He stated that, in his view the Council's argument for the destruction of the building was based on highly questionable figures. He felt it was a tragedy that short-term economics were being used to deprive Strood of one of its key heritage assets. He felt that it was a building of which local people were extremely proud, it provided an anchor to Strood's great industrial past and if retained could form the prestigious centrepiece of a new residential development.
He stated that Huw Thomas Architects had been commissioned by SAVE Britain's Heritage to propose a scheme for a new quayside. An artist's impression of the new proposed Strood quayside was shown to the Committee.
The Assistant Director, Housing and Corporate Services stated that Members would be familiar with the backlog in repairs in relation to the building totalling £624,404 and stated that also, in accordance with Planning Policy Guidance 25 (PPG 25) any residential development would need to be 5.8m above sea level and the Aveling and Porter building was only 4.8m above and would require underpinning at a potential cost of £70,000. She stated that English Heritage had taken a decision not to list the building last year and was not aware that they had received any new evidence would would cause them to reconsider.
Mr Palin then referred to a recent submission by SAVE Britain's Heritage to English Heritage and stated that he was awaiting a response. The Assistant Director, Housing and Corporate Services emphasised that, she knew of no additional information, which would persuade English Heritage to change their minds concerning listing. Responding to a Member question she stated that, in the event of English Heritage stating they wish to change their minds regarding listing the building, the Council would be likely to challenge such a decision.
A Member stated that in moving the Council to Gun Wharf the plan agreed by Council was based on maximised proceeds from land sale and savings against operating costs. Failure to achieve maximum benefit from asset sales would have a significant impact on the Council's finances. The view was expressed that, if residents felt strongly, then this campaign should have been started much earlier and been more appropriate at the time the Council was taking the decision about the move to Gun wharf that any loss of income at this stage would be detrimental to the Council ratepayers.
Responding to a further question, the Assistant Director, Housing and Corporate Services stated that while she had not directly sought the opinion of the Council's Conservation Officer, the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture was supportive of the proposal and conservation is within his remit.
 > Petition (pdf file 62.4kb)
 > Appendix 1 (pdf file 1.1Mb)
 > Petition - press release (pdf file 670.3kb)
Members supported the Council's decision to demolish the Aveling and Porter building.
The Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator explained that the Chairman had requested moving the attendance of the Portfolio Holder for Customer First and Corporate Services to the meeting on 16 March 2010 in order that he could be present and chair the budget meeting in December. This was agreed. Members were then reminded that there would need to be a six-month review of the outcomes of the review of support for people in temporary accommodation and that this should be added to the work programme.
Discussion then took place about the need for further information around the budgeting for the Innovation Centre and how this would be dealt with. The Chief Finance Officer undertook to provide this.
 > Work programme (pdf file 69.2kb)
 > Appendix 1 (pdf file 134.2kb)
 > Appendix 2 (pdf file 66.6kb)
 > Appendix 3 (pdf file 5.9Mb)
 (a)That the work undertaken by all overview and scrutiny committees in the last cycle and to be considered at the next cycle of meetings (as set out in Appendix 2 to the report) is noted;
 (b)That the attendance of the Portfolio Holder for Customer First and Corporate Services is moved to 16 March 2010 meeting;
 (c)That a review of the outcomes from the review of support for people in temporary accommodation is listed for the first meeting after April 2010;
 (d)A briefing note is to be prepared by the Chief Finance Officer and sent out to all Members of the Committee in relation to the funding arrangements for Medway's Innovation Centre.
The Chairman gave an introduction to the Member task group review into support for people in temporary accommodation and stated that the group had worked well together across all parties and found it a very worthwhile exercise. The visit to Southampton City Council had been particularly helpful and interesting. He, and other Members thanked the officers involved with the review for their assistance and Members of the task group then put forward their personal views on its findings.
The Assistant Director, Housing and Corporate Services thanked the Member task group for the review and emphasised that, through using a scrutiny process it had been possible to open doors and gain access to people that would not have been possible for the service otherwise. This had proved to be extremely valuable in the production of the report. She stated that that Housing Services were beginning to see an increase in people needing temporary accommodation as a direct result of the recession and wherever possible action was taken to try to avoid people losing their homes
Responding to a question, she stated that officers in Housing Services now gave benefits advice and that a representative from Shelter was available at the Chatham Contact Point to assist the public. She undertook to look into a concern raised that not all staff at the contact points were giving sufficiently comprehensive advice to members of the public about options open to them when they were in difficulty with debt. A comment was made that more professional people were now coming forward in need of temporary accommodation and that they were often ill prepared for seeking advice. The Chief Finance Officer stressed the need for the public to come forward at an early stage to discuss their Council tax payments rather than waiting until a summons to Court was issued. Members noted that they could often advise on this matter but suggested that an advertisement should be placed in Medway Matters advising the public to contact the Council at an early stage if they get into financial difficulties with their bill payments. Officers agreed to take this forward.
The Assistant Director, Housing and Corporate Services informed Members that a representative of the Citizen's Advice Bureau was present at the court desk to provide assistance but that their help at an early stage was essential.
As part of the recommendations Members agreed that there would be a further report on progress in April 2010.
 > Support for people in temporary accommodation (pdf file 66.8kb)
 > Support for people in temporary accommodation -appendix 1 (pdf file 8.6Mb)
 (a)That the recommendations of the task group contained in section 8 of the task group report were agreed and referred to Cabinet;
 (b)That an article is placed in Medway Matters encouraging the public to contact the Council at an early stage of getting into debt.
The Quality Assurance and Client Manager gave a brief introduction to the annual review of the Council's Risk Management Strategy and 6 monthly review of the Council's Corporate Business Risk Register.
 > Risk Register (pdf file 93.7kb)
 > Appendix A (pdf file 231.3kb)
 > Appendix B (pdf file 91.9kb)
 > Appendix C (pdf file 313.8kb)
 > Appendix D (pdf file 43.8kb)
That the following amendments are forwarded to the Cabinet for approval:
 (a)The amendments to the Risk Management Strategy and progress on actions, as set out in Appendix A to the report
 (b)Management Team's recommendations on amendments to the Council's Risk Register; and
 (c)The proposed addition to the risk register.
The Chief Finance Officer introduced the capital budget monitoring report for the period to July 2009 with an outturn forecast for 2009/2010 and responded to Members' questions.
With regard to paragraph 4.4.2., relating to Church Terrace retaining wall, and in response to a question, he stated that he was unaware whether any survey had been undertaken to find out if there were other retaining walls owned by the Council in need of repair. The point was made that it would be sensible to undertake minor repairs before they became major problems. He undertook to discuss this with the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture.

The Chief Finance Officer was questioned as to why the Chatham dynamic bus facility was not added to the risk section of the report and he agreed that it should in future.
 > Capital Budget Monitoring (pdf file 100.7kb)
 > Appendix (pdf file 351.5kb)
 (a)Members noted the following
 The spending and funding forecasts summarised at Tables 1 and 2 of the report
 Additions to the capital programme detailed in section 5.1 and 5.2 of the report
 The virements as detailed in paragraph 5.3 of the report.
 (b)The Chief Finance Officer undertook to discuss with the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture the issue of surveying retaining walls under the Council's ownership in Medway with a view to seeing whether early repairs were necessary.
 (c)It was agreed that Chatham dynamic bus facility is added to the risk section in future reports.
The Chief Finance Officer gave a brief introduction to the revenue monitoring report for the current year based on actual income and expenditure for July 2009.
A comment was made that the projected income needed to be more realistic in future. The point was also made that further details of the Christmas parking charge arrangements should be made public at an early stage.
 > Revenue budget monitoring (pdf file 87.4kb)
 > Appendix (pdf file 53.2kb)
 (a)Members noted the forecast outturn position for 2009/2010 and the management action proposed including the request for the Schools Forum to fund the rollover of the overspending on the DSG arising from the accumulated deficit for the Chapter and Temple schools closure.
 (b)Cabinet is requested to consider the comments made by the Committee with regard to projected income and publicising plans for Christmas parking charges as soon as possible.
The Chief Finance Officer introduced the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2010/2013 and responded to Members' questions.
Discussion took place about paragraph 6.1 of the report relating to the Linked Service Centres review as to whether officers had done any comparative work looking at the quality of private provision against that offered at Linked Service Centres run by the Council to see what the costs were and what reasons there were for higher costs for the in-house services. Members of the Committee commended the services provided by Linked Service Centres in Medway.
The Chief Finance Officer was commended for a very informative report and the comment was made that the report should be read by all Councillors not just those on Business Support O&S Committee.
 > Presentation prior to committee (pdf file 13.8Mb)
 > Medium Term Financial Plan 2010-2013 (pdf file 138.2kb)
 > Appendix (pdf file 100.0kb)
Members noted the Medium Term Financial Plan 2010/2013 and requested that officers look at undertaking comparative work to assess the level of service provided and costs involved with Linked Service Centres against private provision.