Meeting documents

Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Business Support
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
7:30 pm to 8:48 pm
Record of the meeting

This record is subject to approval at the next meeting

Committee members:Councillors Kenneth Bamber (Chairman), Brice, Mrs Gilry, Griffiths, Harriott, Hunter, Juby, Mackinlay, Royle and Ward
Substitute members:Councillor Andrews (for Councillor Mrs Etheridge)
Councillor Smith (for Councillor Stamp)
In attendance:Councillor Burt

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Etheridge and Stamp.
Prior to the meeting Members of the Committee visited Gun Wharf. At the commencement of the meeting Members expressed their unanimous support to the proposed move of the civic headquarters to Gun Wharf.
Members felt that the location of all directorates in one place was to be welcomed. There were, however, a number of issues which Members felt needed to be addressed.
A request was made for information to be available at the Council meeting in respect of the current numbers of staff and their location and details of those that are proposed to transfer to Gun Wharf and those that do not. In respect of the latter details are required of where they are to be based.
The following were the main issues:
General points
 Members also asked for information to be available on how many staff would be without natural lighting at Gun Wharf and the situation regarding car parking specifying whether the present space would be adequate.
 Members were keen to be informed about the reaction of staff to the potential move.
 Consideration should be given to the circumstances of some staff affected adversely by the move as far as their work/life balance was concerned to see if the Council is able to assist them, particularly in relation to part time staff. Every effort should be made to assist these people so that valued staff are not lost.
 It was noted that the LGR debt situation was not directly linked with the move and the view was expressed that Members needed to be clear about that fact. However it was confirmed that the savings from LGR debt were part of the affordability equation.
 Concern was expressed at the negative impact of the move of staff from the Civic Centre on trade in Strood and a request made that the economic development team should support traders in whatever way possible.
 Accessibility for the public to Gun Wharf was discussed and Members felt that the two areas which would require public access to Gun Wharf - housing benefit and planning should be carefully sited within the building to enable easy access and appropriate small rooms for members of the public to have confidential conversations. The need for security was emphasised to ensure the safety of staff when dealing with angry customers.
 Considerable discussion took place regarding the project management of the potential move. Members felt it was imperative that the co-ordination of the project was undertaken in a professional manner using the expertise of external consultants to ensure that the project kept to time and budget and caused minimal disruption. The potential for planned work to slip was vast and this would contribute to the overall cost of the move. It was felt that a Member task group should be set up to oversee the project management for this reason, working with the relevant portfolio holder to ensure that the project kept to time and budget.
 Members asked whether anything could be done to assist in the renovation of St Mary's church.
 The location of housing staff in Twydall was discussed and it was felt that if these staff were based in the library for instance there was a need for secure large areas. It was felt that there was a need for such staff in the Gillingham area because of the housing stock predominantly being in that vicinity.
 Members felt that the reimbursement of reserves should be a priority for any savings.
Issues concerning Municipal Buildings
 Some Members felt that the Municipal Buildings were part of the civic history of the area and as such many Members expressed their preference for the façade of the building to be retained, if that were possible.
 A request was made that the plaques and historic memorabilia from the Municipal Buildings including the photographs of past mayors should be retained.
 Questions were put forward about the Customer First call centre and archive centre currently based at the Civic Centre and Members were informed they would remain at the Civic Centre for a short while after the move. Alternative accommodation would then need to be sought.
 A suggestion was made that officers might look at the possibility of renting out the Municipal Buildings rather than selling.

Issues concerning St George's Centre
 There was considerable discussion about the likely venue for a Council Chamber and, in the event of the St George's Centre being chosen Members raised the following points:
 -Concern was expressed about the lack of car parking. Following the vacation of the Compass Centre there would no longer be an opportunity for parking at that site.
 -A request was made that, wherever the Council sites its Council Chamber, consideration is given to the installation of network points to enable laptop use.
 -Difficulties with acoustics needed to be overcome.
 -At such time as the St George's Centre is updated and renovated the Council should maximise the potential for income from the site. The Centre would provide a convenient and appropriate venue for weddings and parties and should be marketed as such.
 > Civic Headquarters cover report (pdf file 8.5kb)
 > Appendix A (pdf file 44.0kb)
Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommends to full Council that:
 (1)the purchase of Gun Wharf be completed on the terms set out in the exempt report;
 (2)that a capital budget, as set out in the exempt report, be allocated to enable the Council to move its administrative functions into Gun Wharf and that the excess revenue costs for the project are funded from reserves;
 (3)that Municipal Buildings, Gillingham and Civic Centre, Strood be declared surplus and the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to dispose of these properties as soon as possible, subject to officers testing the feasibility of the facade of the Municipal Buildings being retained, how it would impact on the value, and subject to there being no residual need for the accommodation to be retained;
 (4)a task group of the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee is set up to oversee the progress of the project and monitor spend, on the basis of 1:1:1 plus the relevant portfolio holder, and that regular progress reports are brought forward to the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee.