Meeting documents

Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Business Support
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
6:30 pm to 9:35 pm
Record of the meeting

This record is subject to approval at the next meeting

Committee members:Councillors Kenneth Bamber (Chairman), Brice, Griffiths, Harriott, Hunter, Juby, Stephen Kearney, Mackinlay, Maple, O'Brien and Royle
Substitute members:Councillor Avey (for Councillor Brake)

The record of the meeting held on 9 December 2008 was signed by the Chairman as correct.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Brake.
Councillor Griffiths declared a personal interest in any item concerning Danecourt School as his wife is an employee there and in any reference to NHS Medway (formerly Medway PCT) on the grounds that he is a non-executive director.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance gave a detailed presentation on the work carried out under his portfolio, which covers the following areas:
 Communications and Media
 Council Tax and Business Rates
 Housing Benefit
 Risk Management
 Strategic Procurement
Members asked the Portfolio Holder questions relating to the proposed percentage increase in Council Tax, and the effects of the Government's "damping mechanism" on the budget setting process.
Members sought assurances that assumptions relating to pay rises, energy costs and inflation would also be taken into account in the budget setting process. Members also asked what the effects the reduction in interest rates would be on the Council's income.
The Portfolio Holder was asked what he had done in terms of petitioning the Local Government Association (LGA) against the formula grant and "damping mechanism" and was asked for reassurances that Housing Benefit Teams would be resourced properly and that Section 106 Agreements would be enforced properly.
With reference to the issue of campaigning at the LGA for sharper tapering in the floor damping, Councillor Jarrett confirmed that he had not contacted the organisation.
The Portfolio Holder gave assurances that there were plans to develop a holistic approach to the area of Section 106 Agreements and that the Housing Service was well resourced and trained.
Councillor Jarrett was thanked for his attendance.
 > Portfolio Holder for Finance and Deputy Leader (pdf file 19.6kb)
Councillor Juby gave a brief introduction as to the reasons why the Liberal Democrat Group had called in this item. He stated that he was satisfied with the reasons given by officers in paragraph 3.2 of the report relating to why officers were proposing disposal for general needs housing. However he stated that he felt that the capital receipts from the disposal should go to fund local care facilities.
Officers replied that it was the Council's policy not to ring fence capital receipts and stated that officers had evaluated a potential sale of Fitzhorold House in conjunction with Plewis House, but this was occupied and would have significant financial consequences. It would have been financially prohibitive to make the adjustments to bring the Fitzhorold House up to the Decent Homes Standard.
The Liberal Democrat Group, supported by the Labour Group, proposed that the capital receipts from the sale of Fitzhorold House be used to fund local care facilities or go to the housing revenue account. On being put to the vote this proposal was lost.
 > Call-in of various property disposals (Fitzharold House) (pdf file 17.0kb)
 > Appendix A (pdf file 1.1Mb)
The Committee noted the comments made above and decided to take no further action in relation to the call in.
The Chief Finance Officer introduced a report that presented for consideration the Cabinet's draft capital and revenue budgets for 2009/2010 in relation to the Business Support Directorate.
Members were concerned about the meaningfulness of the report and stated that it would be difficult to comment on the budget proposals until they had seen the reports due to go to Cabinet on 17 February 2009.
Concern was also expressed about the unsupported programme at Table 2 and asked that better advice be given in respect of approaching Compulsory Purchase Orders.
Questions were asked relating to what would happen if the Council did not go ahead with its Building Maintenance Programme and the ICT Strategic Fund.
The Chief Finance Officer responded that if the Council did not continue to resource major building maintenance buildings would deteriorate and noted that investment in ICT had actually helped to make significant savings to the Council and that it was important to keep up to date with new technology.
 > Capital and revenue budget (pdf file 49.3kb)
 > Appendix 1 (pdf file 7.4kb)
 > Appendix 2 (pdf file 10.3kb)
 > Appendix 3 (pdf file 7.6kb)
Members noted the report and asked that its comments be incorporated with the comments of the other Overview and Scrutiny Committees and these be forwarded to Cabinet on 17 February 2009.
The Assistant Director, Communications, Performance and Partnerships introduced a report that presented the draft Council Plan 2009-12 prior to consideration by Cabinet on 17 February 2009.
Members stated that there was a need for measurable targets in order for the public to be able to know if the Council had been successful. Members were also pleased that the plan included reference to equalities issues but felt that the plan was very ambitious and could lead the Council open to failure if it does not meet these targets.
Members asked officers for assurances that the Council Plan would build on existing services and was adding to what the Council already does.
The Assistant Director, Communications, Performance and Partnerships stated that she had met lead Members to discuss the contents of the plan and agreed to incorporate the detailed comments received from Members outside of the meeting into the plan where possible.
 > Council Plan (pdf file 88.7kb)
 > Appendix (pdf file 111.0kb)
Members noted the report and asked the Assistant Director, Communications, Performance and Partnerships to include Members' comments made both at the meeting and with meetings between herself and lead Members into the Draft Council Plan, where possible before it is considered by Cabinet on 17 February 2009.
The Chief Finance Officer asked Members to consider a report that presented for consideration the comments and recommendations of all Overview and Scrutiny Committees on the initial budget plan for 2009/2010 proposed by Cabinet on 25 November 2008.
The Chief Finance Officer advised that he would be available to meet Members individually to discuss the Cabinet budget proposals after they had been published.
 > Capital and revenue budgets (all) (pdf file 30.4kb)
Members agreed to note the report and incorporate the comments made earlier in the agenda by this Committee with those comments made by the other Overview and Scrutiny Committees, and forward them to Cabinet on 17 February 2009.
The Assistant Director, Communications, Performance and Partnerships introduced a report informing Members about the progress against the Council's main priorities during the first three quarters as measured by the Council's agreed set of critical success factors. It was noted that this was the first report in which Covalent, the Council's new performance management software, had been used to assist analysis and report writing.
Members asked that in relation to target LX5, working days lost due to sickness absence that officers change the way that this indicator is presented. Members asked that officers multiply up the actual absences to give an annualised figure and then give seasonally adjusted projections for the rest of the year.
Members also asked for a strict definition of what was meant by "long-term voids" and the Assistant Director Communications, Performance and Partnerships agreed to provide Members with this definition.
Members further discussed issues relating to the following targets:
 LIB1 - The number of physical visits (to libraries) per 1,000 population
 NI103 - Special Educational Needs - statements issued within 26 weeks
 LX5 - Working days lost due to sickness absence
Members were concerned relating to the poor performance in the following:
 H5 - Average time for non-urgent repairs
 H8 - Average time taken to re-let council dwellings.
 > Critical success factors (pdf file 149.9kb)
Members noted the Council's performance against key objectives and targets and asked that their comments are incorporated into the report going to Cabinet on 10 March 2009.
The Housing Services Manager introduced a report that gave members an update on the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme for 2008/2009.
Concern was expressed that nothing had happened with regard to the Capital Programme in 2008/9 despite the money being allocated to it and that since 2006 the Council had problems with the contractors involved in this work. Members were also concerned that officers took until 16 December 2008 to determine that 3C's Asset Management would not be invited to tender for works in the capital programme and indeed the contract had not been terminated.
The Housing Services Manager agreed to look at the specific details of the break clause in the contract and report this back to Members.

Members stated that officers need to ensure that they can get maximum value for money before committing resources and that there had been a lack of firmness when dealing with contractors.
Members asked officers to ensure that the results of the asbestos survey are communicated to residents in a simple and effective way. The Housing Services Manager agreed to forward a copy of the leaflet given to residents after asbestos surveys to all Members of the Committee.
Members felt that the Council's procurement policies were not robust enough and that there was a need to ensure that sub-contractors are fully qualified and that value for money and the safety of residents was paramount.
The Housing Services Manager replied that the Council was given the names of all sub-contractors and these contractors are requested to have Criminal Records Bureau checks before entering homes.
In respect of the Capital Programme Members asked that disabled adaptations be prioritised and asked why officers had signed off certain tenders without looking at value for money.
The Housing Services Manager stated that there was now a more rigorous system of monitoring and assured Members that his team had taken into account the recommendations agreed by Members at the Audit Committee on 26 June 2009 when the full investigation into the procurement issues had been debated.
 > HRA Capital Monitoring 2008-2009 (pdf file 30.5kb)
Members endorsed the report and agreed that quarterly progress reports will be presented to the Committee giving both activity and financial progress against the budget.
The Chief Finance Officer introduced a report that detailed how the Housing Revenue Account revenue and capital budgets had been drafted and explained the business objectives for the Housing Revenue Account 2009/2010 and sought approval for new rent levels commencing April 2009.
Members noted that it had been recommended that the caretaking service should be reviewed in order to ensure that value for money is obtained for residents and asked whether this service had been reviewed before. Officers replied that this would be the first time that a review of this service would have been undertaken in recent history.
Members agreed that the garage service needed reviewing and asked officers to investigate whether aggregate income would be increased if prices were reduced for residents towards that of Council tenants and further noted that more use would encourage the self policing of such garages.
Members asked officers for a more detailed definition of "long-term voids" and were concerned that tenants were being charged for the maintenance of open pieces of land that could be accessed by members of the public.
The Senior Accountant (Housing and Public Health) confirmed that residents were only charged for the maintenance of enclosed areas and that the Council was unable to recover the full costs of ground maintenance for this reason.
Members asked how officers intended to consult with leaseholders in relation to service charges. Officers replied that although there had been no formal consultation with leaseholders, one leaseholder sat on the MeRGE group (the Tenants Forum) and they had been consulted with regard to rent increases.
It was noted that some Members of the Committee sit on the MeRGE group and these members felt that they were not as well informed relating to housing issues as other MeRGE members. They asked that officers arrange regular meetings with Members of this Committee to keep all Members abreast of housing issues and to arrange for training in Housing Revenue Account finance.
 > HRA Budget 2009-2010 (pdf file 1.2Mb)
The Committee recommended to Cabinet:
 (1)The proposed Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2009/2010, inclusive of an average rent increase of £3.81 per week (based upon 50 collection weeks and equating to an increase of 5.63%);
 (2)That service charges for 2009/2010 reflect the costs incurred in providing that service, where possible, and that costs increase by no more than inflation (5.0%, that being the Retail Price Index [all items] for September 2008) plus 0.5% over that charged in 2008/2009. The average increase will be 4.48%.
 (3)The proposed increase in garage rent charges of 5.0% be applied to Council tenant garage users, that being the Retail Price Index (all items) for September 2008 and that Cabinet explore the potential to reduce garage rents for "other residents" towards that of Council tenants to encourage greater take up of vacant garages.
 (4)A review of the caretaking service should take place in order to ensure that value for money is obtained for tenants.
 (5)The Committee also agreed to note the performance measures and targets including those for management and maintenance costs per property.
Members were invited to ask the Chief Finance Officer any questions in relation to the Capital and Revenue Monitoring reports that went to Cabinet on 27 January 2009.
Members asked the Chief Finance Officer what processes were in place to account for any potential underspendings from the Capital Programme if, for example, there was a downturn in the economy.
The Chief Finance Officer replied that if there was an underspend the money could be vired to another scheme within the approved constitutional limits. However he acknowledged that where such a transfer of resources was within the budget for a particular scheme there was no transparency as to what had occurred and that that this was a challenge for the monitoring regime.
Representative Members stated that any underspend against revenue budget should be prioritised to replace reserves.
Members noted the reports that went to Cabinet on 27 January 2009.
The Committee Co-ordinator introduced a report that advised Members of its current work programme and the work of all Overview and Scrutiny Committees and asked Members to agree the proposed next steps on the scrutiny of the Local Area Agreement (LAA). The report also asked Members to agree the topic for the next Business Support Task Group.
Representative Members stated that they understood the importance of the new powers given to Overview and Scrutiny Committees to effectively and constructively scrutinise and challenge the LAA lead partners. The Committee felt it was also important to continue to regularly review budget monitoring reports in full and hold the executive to account.
 > Work programme (pdf file 22.5kb)
 > Appendix 1 (pdf file 15.9kb)
 > Appendix 2 (pdf file 10.8kb)
 > Appendix 3 (pdf file 1.0Mb)
 (1)Members noted the work undertaken by all Overview and Scrutiny Committees in the last cycle and to be considered at the next cycle of meetings and made no amendments to the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee's work programme.
 (2)Members agreed the proposed steps on the scrutiny of the set out in the report.
 (3)The Committee agreed that the topic for the next Business Support Task Group would be on Energy Conservation.
 (4)The Committee agreed that Members of the Committee would meet with housing officers in relation to Housing issues and changes to the Housing Revenue Account.

 (5)Members agreed that the LAA Refresh report go to the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 17 March 2009 in order that the Committee is able to make it's comments prior to the proposed quorate Full Council meeting.